Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday Bryn and Paige had off school for MLK Day. Too bad Abby had to work. I had to have one picture of Bryn with her blue boot that she's been modeling for the past 4 weeks. This is her spot in the living room so she can keep her foot elevated. She's really come a long way: now she can even do the Wii Fit and walks around the house without crutches!

First day of final exams was Wednesday at the high school. I ended up having to drive Jeff to work so we had enough cars for the kids to get everywhere! Paige only had one final exam today so Abby drove her back and forth to school in the morning, then Bryn had to take Paige to her haircut when Bryn was done with finals in the afternoon because Abby had a dentist appointment! Paige brought in a picture of Abby for her haircut.

Abby and Mark ventured out ice skating Friday night. They had plans to skate outdoors at Red Arrow Park downtown which rents skates and has a cool Starbucks that overlooks the rink. Wouldn't you know it but a wedding had it reserved! So they drove over the the Petit to skate indoors.

We're noticing Theo getting older. He still loves to catch the frisbee, but when he gets up from somewhere he sure is slow moving!

Jeff and I began shopping for airline tickets to New York for our long weekend in April. Jeff spent most of the day Saturday trying to put back together the skid plate underneath the new Mazda 3 and now taxes has become a daily chore for him. We're very motivated to finish though, because then we can file the FAFSA for college financial aid! Saturday night all of us enjoyed family movie night complete with popcorn popped on the stove. We watched He's Just Not That Into You.

Abby packed up and headed back to La Crosse yesterday. She was able to find a ride. I was concerned that we really should drive her because of the amount of stuff she had, but her ride was someone who knows Abby well. She opened her trunk and exclaimed, "See Abby! I left it all for you!"

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