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Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Jeff flew out to Virginia again for his monthly meetings that Monday (Nov 15th) and was back late Wednesday.

Tuesday was a tough day for little Paigey. Her good friend, Jamie, enlisted in the Army and Tuesday was her sendoff. Jamie's family included Paige that day and took her to downtown to see Jamie swear in and say their goodbyes at the airport where Jamie heads for basic training in South Carolina. Jamie and Paige spent a lot of time together lately and there's going to be a big void.
Paige's conferences were that afternoon and I got to hear how sweet and quiet Paige is in school. Every teacher commented on how they're trying to get Paige to "open up." Funny. She's doing awesome in her Media Studies and business classes.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Last Wednesday night was a flurry of housecleaning getting ready for the weekend houseguests. I was pooped after cleaning all 3 bathrooms! But along with that just-cleaned carpeting, the house looks fabulous!
My parents arrived shortly after I got home from work Thursday evening. Mom brought homemade cream of chicken noodle soup that we served for dinner. Yum! Friday morning I skipped my Step class at the Y and bummed around with Mom & Dad for the day. They came with me to the DMV to get my driver's license renewed. So glad to replace my old license where my picture had my eyes closed! My new picture is actually decent! After that we took a look around the new Woodman's where I picked up some good buys that included a couple bottles of wine.
Then it was off to Carroll for their Family Weekend. Bryn let us know she would not be available until 3:30pm — after classes, lunch and aquajogging. We picked up Kristin, Bella and Lucy to come along too. When we arrived at Kristin's I noticed a very flat back tire and Dad came to the rescue hooking up Carlo's new air compressor to fill 'er up. We all hiked up to the 4th floor to see Bryn's dorm room, walked the campus just a bit (chilly!), walking through buildings where we could. Then we packed ourselves back into the van bringing Bryn along for the not-to-be-missed monthly St. Anthony's fish fry. Timing was of the essence again as we had to have Paige to driver's ed class by 6pm, so we were in line by 5:00. Worked out pretty well.
Paige's Confirmation Retreat was rescheduled to earlier in the day Saturday. And when I say earlier, I mean they had to be there at 7:00am!! (Reason being that half of the kids at our church attend Germantown and their football team had a Div1 playoff game that afternoon.) Saturday was Jeff's side of the family's turn for Family Weekend and Carroll. They stopped by to pick Jeff up at 10:30am. Much nicer day for touring the campus. They lunched at the Chancery which I heard was quite tasty. Meanwhile my Mom, Dad and I looked at ranges. There was a too-good-to-be-true sale at the appliance/furniture store up north, so Mom & Dad thought we'd get an idea of what I like, then they could purchase up there. While the salesman flaunted the features of the new ranges, I kept thinking it'll just be nice to have a functional clock/timer and all 4 working burners! Went back to pick up Paige, Jeff returned from Carroll later that afternoon in time for another night out. We dined with another couple who took charge of where to go. They had an expiring coupon to use at a cute little place downtown Milwaukee. However, with no reservations, the wait was too long so they awarded their coupon to some others waiting to sit. We found another restaurant had really took notice of the No Smoking atmosphere.
Sunday was even warmer and sunnier than Saturday. Jeff had Paige out in the yard practicing her pitching. After a productive morning updating the Art Guild site and blog, I took a nice, long walk, then cut down the dead perennials in the yard. My parents called from the appliance/furniture store up north and the sale was just that: too-good-to-be-true. Jeff finally got to use his 2 rounds of golf he had bid on at a Silent Auction almost a year ago. Who'd of thought? Golf in November?
Iced chai tea. Awesome. You should try it. That's what I treated myself to at the coffee shop Monday night where I met a fellow Art Guild member to discuss possible fundraising ideas. She has lots of local connections. I have lots of big ideas. We present to the board this Thursday.
Jeff came home from work yesterday morning to meet the insurance claims guy about our roof. Not too thorough, but maybe because the wind damage to the roof was so obvious to him. He said we'll have something notifying us of the amount in the mail soon!
Bryn was able to borrow a friend's car this morning to pick up her new shoe inserts from the podiatrist. She'll have a couple weeks to break them in before we go to get her new running shoes for track around Thanksgiving. Apparently the track team is hosting Open Gym times already! Bryn wants to be in on all that.
My parents arrived shortly after I got home from work Thursday evening. Mom brought homemade cream of chicken noodle soup that we served for dinner. Yum! Friday morning I skipped my Step class at the Y and bummed around with Mom & Dad for the day. They came with me to the DMV to get my driver's license renewed. So glad to replace my old license where my picture had my eyes closed! My new picture is actually decent! After that we took a look around the new Woodman's where I picked up some good buys that included a couple bottles of wine.

Iced chai tea. Awesome. You should try it. That's what I treated myself to at the coffee shop Monday night where I met a fellow Art Guild member to discuss possible fundraising ideas. She has lots of local connections. I have lots of big ideas. We present to the board this Thursday.
Jeff came home from work yesterday morning to meet the insurance claims guy about our roof. Not too thorough, but maybe because the wind damage to the roof was so obvious to him. He said we'll have something notifying us of the amount in the mail soon!
Bryn was able to borrow a friend's car this morning to pick up her new shoe inserts from the podiatrist. She'll have a couple weeks to break them in before we go to get her new running shoes for track around Thanksgiving. Apparently the track team is hosting Open Gym times already! Bryn wants to be in on all that.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Made contact with the insurance company about the wind damage to our roof and an agent is coming out next Tuesday morning to review. Cross your fingers!
The Sussex Sundevils coach liked what he saw last Wednesday night and extended an invitation to Paige to join their U16 team. Paige also had a tryout for the Milwaukee Invaders on Saturday, but had already decided to go with Sussex. We also emailed the Columbus Xplozion coaches, turning down their offer to play there. I'm sure they understood the distance issue. We've heard rumors about an indoor tournament in the Dells so Paige is quite excited.
Paige enjoyed a couple extra days off school last week because of Teachers Convention. Didn't take long to fill up her time with back-to-back sleepovers. Friday night she was kind enough to fulfill her obligation for Family Movie Night and watched The Karate Kid with Jeff and me. I dropped off some homemade muffins at Abby's boyfriend's as he went to visit Abby last weekend. I'm glad he got out there. Abby doesn't have as much freedom to come home this year with her job at the gift shop.
Paige and I drove out to Sussex to see Bella & Lucy in their Halloween costumes before they went out trick-or-treating. I bet they had a blast - their neighborhood looked really fun! From Sussex, we went to Waukesha to meet Bryn in the PIT (eating area at Carroll) to have her sign some student loan papers that needed to be turned around fast.
I had taken all our Halloween decorations down because of that wind storm, but we got everything back in place by Sunday. I tried to get Paige to trick-or-treat with FBLA (business club at school) as they were collecting canned goods for the Food Pantry, but she couldn't find a friend that was going. Jeff and I lit the firepit we had moved onto the driveway and handed out candy from there. We kept warm by the fire drinking hot cider and when it was all over, we ate fresh-baked pumpkin pie. Perfect.
Drivers Ed classes for Paige began this past Monday. She goes every weeknight at the high school 6-8pm, so she's had to be a little more disciplined with her homework. Yep, at the end of November Paige will be 15-1/2 and can test for her temps!
The Sussex Sundevils coach liked what he saw last Wednesday night and extended an invitation to Paige to join their U16 team. Paige also had a tryout for the Milwaukee Invaders on Saturday, but had already decided to go with Sussex. We also emailed the Columbus Xplozion coaches, turning down their offer to play there. I'm sure they understood the distance issue. We've heard rumors about an indoor tournament in the Dells so Paige is quite excited.
Paige enjoyed a couple extra days off school last week because of Teachers Convention. Didn't take long to fill up her time with back-to-back sleepovers. Friday night she was kind enough to fulfill her obligation for Family Movie Night and watched The Karate Kid with Jeff and me. I dropped off some homemade muffins at Abby's boyfriend's as he went to visit Abby last weekend. I'm glad he got out there. Abby doesn't have as much freedom to come home this year with her job at the gift shop.

Drivers Ed classes for Paige began this past Monday. She goes every weeknight at the high school 6-8pm, so she's had to be a little more disciplined with her homework. Yep, at the end of November Paige will be 15-1/2 and can test for her temps!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Paige and Miranda walked from school to Rotary Park to record portions of a Cross Country meet for her media studies class. Yes, Paige had already done this part of the "documentary" assignment, but unfortunately the teacher didn't remove Paige's recordings from the camera before lending it out to another student so all her filming from the September meet is gone. She said she captured a lot of the same elements she had before so she was happy. Now she has to edit it in the school media lab to complete the assignment.

Early Saturday morning I traveled out to Waukesha to pick up Bryn from Carroll because she asked so sweetly. A fellow Cross Country graduate asked her to go to the Sectional meet up in Saukville. I took Bryn back as soon as she returned so she get in her swim workout for the day. She's very diligent about staying on schedule with the workouts the track coach gave her. When Paige returned from her sleepover, she accompanied Jeff up to Appleton to visit his father. Richie's doing great after his 3 stent heart surgery. Rehab to follow.
We greeted parishioners at the 11 o'clock Mass Sunday. Paige sat with her fellow to-be-confirmants and had class after Mass. In the meantime, us parents had a meeting about when to schedule their 2-night Confirmation Retreat. Ugly. I say, just pick a date and deal with it. What's cool is that they try to do it in summer—"campout" style.

So our carpets look amazing. Jeffrey does such a thorough job. Highly recommend him too: CarpetMasters. We're moving furniture back today and Jeff's excited to rearrange. Whatever. Got home from work today to find our outdoor storage chest for the kids sports stuff strewn across the backyard. Picked that up. Got back in the house. Doorbell rings. It's some guy who hands me his business card and says "I was just driving by and noticed your roof shingles flapping. I stopped because I'm a roofer..." Yay! I'm sure that won't be expensive.
Last night I had an Art Guild meeting where I showed off my latest creation: a blog. It's still in its infancy, but I received appreciation for promoting our little organization even further. You know with all this blogging and website creation I've been doing, I barely have time to work!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bryn got some time alone at home last week Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday while the rest of us went off to work and school. We were able to spare her the car 2 of the 3 days since she agreed to get us where we needed to be to make it work. So Bryn was able to get her beautiful blonde locks cut on Monday and visit the foot doctor on Tuesday to have molds made for her custom orthotics.
Paige fitted Bryn with one of her handmade knotted bracelets. Paige takes custom orders by letting you choose the thread colors. So far, Abby, Bryn and Maggie are all wearing Paige originals!

Jeff and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary on Tuesday, Oct. 12th. My parents, driving home from Chicago, stopped in at my work to serenade me with "Happy Anniversary" and brought Jeff and I a cake and flowers. That evening, Jeff and I dined at Amici's out in Richfield. I love the atmosphere there. The wine was delicious! So was the food.

Monday Jeff flew out to Virginia again for his monthly meetings on Martha Jefferson Hospital. He flies in tonight yet. Yesterday I was able to attend a seminar instead of working which always perks an employee up.
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Jeff and I tag teamed getting Bryn back and forth from Carroll to her orthodontist appointment on Tuesday. It was for a retainer check which Bryn didn't even have with her. Didn't even pack to take to college! Needless to say, they asked her to wear it for 24 hours for the next 2 weeks, then every night from then on. Bryn just conveniently heard the end date of "2 years" when she initially got her retainer, and took it upon herself to stop wearing it exactly when that 2 years was up. Other bad news... the orthodontist wants the dentist to check on having her upper wisdom teeth removed. The dentist had written Bryn off to this point.
The annual MSOE hunt was this past weekend and Jeff left for up north Friday before lunch with his caravan to Waubeno. Jeff was disappointed that the weather was so warm again. For the first time, a few guys brought their sons up along with them. Jeff said they were good and it ended up that the boys were the ones to shoot the one and only bird all weekend.
Bryn caught a ride home from Carroll with a friend Friday evening and got back just in time to catch another ride to the high school Homecoming game. Paige was at a sleepover so I had the evening to myself. I did a little more of my photo archiving, then watched a rental movie. Next morning, Bryn asked to take the car to check in on how Student Council was doing with Homecoming Dance decorations. That let me take a nice walk to the grocery store where Bryn picked me up when I was done. Bryn hung out with Paige Saturday night while I celebrated Dave & Carrie's 50th birthdays at a party at their house.

Sunday, October 3, 2010
The Art Guild started up another year with our first meeting this past Tuesday evening. Being around all those creative people really inspires me to draw or paint again. Thinking that will be my 2011 New Years resolution. I feel like I have to set a date, otherwise I keep letting the time slide by. We had a guest speaker that worked with these vibrant crayons that she applied with brushes like paint.
I felt so efficient on Friday simply by completing an astronomical amount of errands during the day. Nevermind that I missed my client's call 3 times because I was also supposed to be working from home. I delivered leftover canning jars to good people who can use them. I delivered hand-me-down clothing to a great family with girls a bit younger than Paige. We thought we found a bike for Abby on CraigsList, but never got a call back to come look at it. I scheduled an foot doctor appt for Bryn when's she's home next weekend to be fitted for permanent inserts per the request of her track coach. I shopped online for my goddaughter, Logan's, birthday present. After all that, I certainly deserved to be treated to the monthly church fish fry! Abby arrived home about 5pm and was able to accompany us.

Saturday was a day I was looking forward to: Carroll University's Homecoming and my 25th Reunion year. Jeff and Paige were up and running to get to her 8am pitching lesson in Horicon before any of Carroll's events were to happen. Abby was invited apple-picking with Mark and his family. So I headed out to Carroll late morning to catch the Alumni Art exhibit with Bryn. Bryn and I then headed to the bookstore to gear up for the day. Then we followed the music to the tailgate activities in the parking lot and met one of my college girlfriends and her daughter. We ate lunch and watched the Homecoming Parade together. The football game, which we seriously questioned if we would sit through or not, wasn't until 3pm, so we had a couple hours to kill yet. Bryn was a good sport and showed off her dorm room to Sue and her daughter and guided us through campus. Walking past a tailgate tent, I heard someone shout out my name. It was my good friend, Tim! He was there with his college roommate for the day. I questioned who sponsored the particular tent they were in and they didn't know, but were more than gracious acting as hosts and handing out beverages! Tim's daughter, Maggie, goes to Carroll too and she took a study break to hang out with us for a while. Jeff, Abby and Paige met up with us under the tent and we all decided we had the best spot in the house as we could watch the game going on directly across the street, drink and snack for free and be covered as the weather deteriorated and began to rain. We stayed til halftime then decided to go out for dinner and warm up. Bryn chose the Olive Garden.
Paige made her Fall Ball debut today playing side-by-side with the high school JV and Varsity softball team in their last game. Paige got to pitch 2 innings. She was also put in as a pinch-runner—everybody loves watching "Spidey" steal and run those bases! Of course, she scored. No sliding required. Her freshman coach was there watching and encouraging Paige. He's the reason she was invited to play. After the game, he came up to me and commented how athletic Paige is, how much talent she has, what a good attitude... And he texted Paige after we left that he already called the coach of a team he wants her to play on next summer! Good boost for Paige! So another chilly day outside. Luckily I planned my day right and went right into baking goodies for Abby to take with her back to school.

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Pictures of events get fewer and fewer as the number of my children at home decreases. And now I have such competition! So many people have commented on how much they enjoy Bryn's blog and what a good writer she is. Sorry people, but mine's just a narrative of my life.
Tuesday Paige stayed home from school as she got sick early that morning. She never got sick again, but she did sleep til 12:30pm that day. Jeff ended up staying home with her which enabled him to paint her bedroom ceiling. Tuesday evening I got to Zumba again and kept glancing at a woman I recognized. It took me a while to figure out she was from the hair salon I frequent. I didn't notice til on my way out that my stylist was actually there too! I totally didn't recognize her!
Jeff and I walked Paige's class schedule Wednesday evening during the high school Open House. We saw parts of the school we'd never seen before with Paige's courseload. She's taking 2 business classes that are held in the same room, but different hours. What a cool setup! They each have their own computer desk and very comfy office chair. And the teacher is uber enthusiastic! No wonder FBLA is such a popular club. Paige is also enrolled in a video/film production class that Abby and Bryn never took. The class is held in an actual studio. Paige mentioned last week the class rotated production roles while taping a "talk show." Later that evening, Paige got a call inviting her to participate in a local Fall Ball softball league with many of the JV and varsity girls. She's excited to be asked. Of course, the game was today at the exact same time as her first Confirmation class. She'll be there the following Sunday.
I finally got around to making myself presentable again by getting in to the salon to get my hair cut and highlighted. Love it. Just trying to blend in that new color (grey) coming in. From there I was off to the high school to help out with the Band Bunch serving a hot dog dinner before the football game. I know, I know, I don't even have a kid in Band anymore. But Band's been good to my girls and I had the time. Had a lot of fun and even made it on Fox6 News at 9 that evening with Tom Pipines! (I didn't get to see it.) Jeff and I along with the Seeds witnessed the first win of the season for our football team. Seeds invited us over for a nightcap after the chilly game. Dave opened his fancy Scotch for us to try. I settled for just a sniff. Definitely a warmer-upper!
Saturday I cleaned the office then ran errands: grocery store, WalMart, and Hallmark (October is coming you know!). Paige was supposed to have an all-day Confirmation retreat that was rescheduled. Somehow we didn't make the email list and didn't find out til that morning! Jeff and I stayed home and watched a movie and stayed up for Paige to come home. Paige spends a lot of time with her "big sister" from high school softball, Jamie. Paige went with Jamie's family out to a Japanese steak house! They said it was her birthday! And Paige caught a shrimp in her mouth from the chef! They have a lot of fun together.

Kristin, Evie and I followed our annual tradition and met at my house at 9am for the Cheery Cherry art fair. Again, a bit chilly. But I've found a heavy sweatshirt-like jersey of Paige's for softball that I purchased for her (and she's never worn) that's quite warm. We always seem to find something to buy. I convinced Kristin to add a scarf to her wardrobe. Isn't it cute? And she found the most adorable knit hat for Lucy. And we never leave without a giant bag of kettle corn from the yodeling kettle corn cowboy. Afterwards, we all drove over to Kristin's for lunch and to see their newly poured concrete patio and driveway. Bella was kind enough to model Lucy's new hat. I love it!
Tuesday Paige stayed home from school as she got sick early that morning. She never got sick again, but she did sleep til 12:30pm that day. Jeff ended up staying home with her which enabled him to paint her bedroom ceiling. Tuesday evening I got to Zumba again and kept glancing at a woman I recognized. It took me a while to figure out she was from the hair salon I frequent. I didn't notice til on my way out that my stylist was actually there too! I totally didn't recognize her!
Jeff and I walked Paige's class schedule Wednesday evening during the high school Open House. We saw parts of the school we'd never seen before with Paige's courseload. She's taking 2 business classes that are held in the same room, but different hours. What a cool setup! They each have their own computer desk and very comfy office chair. And the teacher is uber enthusiastic! No wonder FBLA is such a popular club. Paige is also enrolled in a video/film production class that Abby and Bryn never took. The class is held in an actual studio. Paige mentioned last week the class rotated production roles while taping a "talk show." Later that evening, Paige got a call inviting her to participate in a local Fall Ball softball league with many of the JV and varsity girls. She's excited to be asked. Of course, the game was today at the exact same time as her first Confirmation class. She'll be there the following Sunday.
I finally got around to making myself presentable again by getting in to the salon to get my hair cut and highlighted. Love it. Just trying to blend in that new color (grey) coming in. From there I was off to the high school to help out with the Band Bunch serving a hot dog dinner before the football game. I know, I know, I don't even have a kid in Band anymore. But Band's been good to my girls and I had the time. Had a lot of fun and even made it on Fox6 News at 9 that evening with Tom Pipines! (I didn't get to see it.) Jeff and I along with the Seeds witnessed the first win of the season for our football team. Seeds invited us over for a nightcap after the chilly game. Dave opened his fancy Scotch for us to try. I settled for just a sniff. Definitely a warmer-upper!

Sunday, September 19, 2010
Paige earned herself another pitching lesson by completing the routine outlined for her, so Jeff drove her up to Horicon again Tuesday evening. Paige asked her friend Miranda to come along and be her catcher for the night. Jeff really likes the coach and Paige seems to be picking up on all his advice. Now she's got another 3 routines to complete before he'll see her again.
I finally went back to my favorite Zumba class. Since the Y flooded at the end of July, Zumba class has been moved to an alternate location which does not have air conditioning. The one time I went during the summer, I was so sweaty and hot and nasty I decided to wait til the weather got cooler. I was glad to be back, the class is so fun! And much more comfortable.
Friday afternoon I drove out to Carroll again to get a copy of Bryn's driver's license and her signature on a student loan form. We have to do the same thing with Abby, but will do it via faxing and emailing. I also delivered art supplies to Bryn freshly purchased from Artist & Display. (I never mind shopping there!) Only stayed a half hour as I had to pick up Paige from school so we could make our brow wax appointments.
And Abby was hired by Tree House Gifts in La Crosse where her first day was Friday. She'll work one weeknight and every other weekend. We got to Skype her today and see that she's doing well in the new house and cooking for herself. If Bryn keeps up her new blog, I won't have to write about her anymore! Go Bryn!
That night, we took Paige out to Home Depot to pick out her bedroom paint colors. She started with purple, but it changed to 2 shades of blue that will match NONE of her existing bedding or curtains. One step at a time. She and Jeff worked on prepping her room Saturday: Jeff taping the woodwork and filling holes while Paige did a good overall clean up. Then after church Sunday, Miranda came over to help Paige paint. Again, Jeff supervised the project and it looks nice! Projects with the kids go so much more smoothly when I'm not involved.
Saturday night Paige was invited to a friend's house for a Hawaiian cookout and Jeff and I were invited to Seeds for a delicious lasagna dinner. We came home at 10 because that's when we expected Paige back. After 2 hours of unanswered texts and calls from us, I pulled my fleece over my pajamas and headed for the friend's house. Luckily the brother was awake at the computer and went to get Paige. It was obvious Paige and her friend had fallen asleep, but Paige still received a little lecture on the ride home about on how not to worry your parents.
I finally went back to my favorite Zumba class. Since the Y flooded at the end of July, Zumba class has been moved to an alternate location which does not have air conditioning. The one time I went during the summer, I was so sweaty and hot and nasty I decided to wait til the weather got cooler. I was glad to be back, the class is so fun! And much more comfortable.
Friday afternoon I drove out to Carroll again to get a copy of Bryn's driver's license and her signature on a student loan form. We have to do the same thing with Abby, but will do it via faxing and emailing. I also delivered art supplies to Bryn freshly purchased from Artist & Display. (I never mind shopping there!) Only stayed a half hour as I had to pick up Paige from school so we could make our brow wax appointments.
And Abby was hired by Tree House Gifts in La Crosse where her first day was Friday. She'll work one weeknight and every other weekend. We got to Skype her today and see that she's doing well in the new house and cooking for herself. If Bryn keeps up her new blog, I won't have to write about her anymore! Go Bryn!

Saturday night Paige was invited to a friend's house for a Hawaiian cookout and Jeff and I were invited to Seeds for a delicious lasagna dinner. We came home at 10 because that's when we expected Paige back. After 2 hours of unanswered texts and calls from us, I pulled my fleece over my pajamas and headed for the friend's house. Luckily the brother was awake at the computer and went to get Paige. It was obvious Paige and her friend had fallen asleep, but Paige still received a little lecture on the ride home about on how not to worry your parents.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Finally Abby started her classes at UWL this past Tuesday. She's been working hard with her advisor coming up with different scenarios to see if she can graduate in 4 years. It will require her to take classes during summer and January terms, but nothing's for certain yet. Abby met with a family that she will be babysitting for every Thursday morning. And she interviewed for a shop at a local gift shop on Friday. I love the initiative, but cautioned Abby not to overload herself.
Paige shocked us this week by asking to drop Band class. It's just not a Saunders girl thing to do! We of course had a long discussion with Paige so she realized all the advantages and disadvantages, but she's determined that it's not for her. We signed the paper and she is now in InfoTech instead. With this new business direction in her courseload, Paige joined FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), a very active and competitive club at school. Jeff cleared out the other side of the basement for Paige to practice pitching at home. When she practices at home, she earns another pitching lesson from the coach in Horicon. We found out she has to recruit a catcher to come with her for her lessons. Lucky she has 3 friends who are all catchers!
I donated blood Thursday evening at a local drive held at the library. Jeff and I went for a walk afterwards since Paige was over at a friend's. Friday morning Jeff golfed in an outing through work and I followed my Friday routine going to step class in the morning. About 40 minutes into class (good heart rate going by then), I suddenly felt like I was going to pass out! I prayed I would make it out to a lobby chair before that happened. Luckily I did and sat there until my hands stopped tingling and I caught my breath. Guess not having a full meal after giving blood affected me more than I anticipated.
Terry organized a Brewers outing that night. Kayla and Nate came in from Whitewater, Terry from Appleton and Bryn from Waukesha. We tailgated at our house before heading down to Miller Park. Couldn't have asked for more perfect weather. Terry was smart and purchased the parking pass online with the tickets. I never realized that when you did that, you saved half the price! Terry also treated us to Club level seating so we never had to get up from our seats if we didn't want to. But of course we did. Paige got a warm cookie the size of her head! Kayla and Nate got passes to check out the swanky 300 Club. The game itself wasn't a good one, but the time we had was the best.

Bryn stayed overnight at home and Saturday morning she, Paige and I cheered on the Cross Country team at their home meet. It was sloppy, but this meet usually is. I went to encourage parents of the girls team to take pictures and email them to me for the team's site I maintain. Bryn went to see old teammates and Paige went to record the event for a Media Studies assignment. Paige will then edit her clips at school for the final project.
And today I navigated my way through our new Pick n Save a little faster after getting my car washed by Paige and her fellow Student Council members. I'm hoping to get a long walk in later today and Jeff is out doing yardwork.
I'm completely amazed at how my laundry has diminished since the departure of my two eldest, but then again, not. The evenings are much calmer, but that's part of having a routine again. It's quite lovely to come home where it looks just as I left it. I'm slowly cleaning up Abby's and Bryn's rooms and Paige is anxious to re-do hers. I think we're painting next weekend.

I donated blood Thursday evening at a local drive held at the library. Jeff and I went for a walk afterwards since Paige was over at a friend's. Friday morning Jeff golfed in an outing through work and I followed my Friday routine going to step class in the morning. About 40 minutes into class (good heart rate going by then), I suddenly felt like I was going to pass out! I prayed I would make it out to a lobby chair before that happened. Luckily I did and sat there until my hands stopped tingling and I caught my breath. Guess not having a full meal after giving blood affected me more than I anticipated.

And today I navigated my way through our new Pick n Save a little faster after getting my car washed by Paige and her fellow Student Council members. I'm hoping to get a long walk in later today and Jeff is out doing yardwork.
I'm completely amazed at how my laundry has diminished since the departure of my two eldest, but then again, not. The evenings are much calmer, but that's part of having a routine again. It's quite lovely to come home where it looks just as I left it. I'm slowly cleaning up Abby's and Bryn's rooms and Paige is anxious to re-do hers. I think we're painting next weekend.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Abby and Mark took a road trip up to Green Bay last Tuesday to watch the Packers practice, tour the Hall of Fame and Lambeau Field. Be sure to check out Abby's photos on her Facebook page.

Wednesday was Paige's first day of school as a sophomore at the high school. She didn't have to go in until 12:30pm which made each class only 5 minutes long. Not sure what the logic is in this short of a school day, but whatever. Paige found a few more friends in her classes, but still lonely in a few of them. That evening, Paige reported back to the softball field for her select softball team callbacks only to find out they weren't having them. ???? A missed email told us that the coaches didn't see enough talent to make a competitive team, so they just aren't going to have one at all. Jeff's hopeful to find another select team for Paige, it'll just be further vs. right in our hometown.
Thursday was Bryn's first day of school at Carroll. And she started her on-campus job on Friday. She'll get 5hrs/week at her desk job in the Physical Therapy Dept. She said it's pretty cushy. Good for homework I said. She's found a running buddy that also plans to join track. All sounds like it's going well.

Abby was a good little packer all week and had all her stuff set to go by Friday afternoon. She even labeled all her bins and bags! We waited for Paige to come home on the bus and we left for La Crosse by 4pm; Abby driving the Prizm with Paige which Abby'll keep at school this year and Jeff and I in the van. The traffic was typical Friday-before-Labor-Day busy, but we knew what we were getting into. We stayed the night at our favorite La Crosse hotel, Stoney Creek, and Abby stayed with us: Abby in the bottom bunk, Paige on top. We were all refreshed Saturday morning and invaded the house at 10am. Luckily no one else was moving in the same day. Jeff and Abby immediately commented how great the house looked since they had last been there. A couple of her roommates had certainly been busy cleaning and painting. Paige and I unpacked and sorted things out mainly in the kitchen and living room. Jeff had his duties completing Abby's loft and hanging up various hooks and decorations. Abby's job was certainly the biggest: unpacking her clothes. Even her Wonder Hangers couldn't afford her enough room for it all! She sent some back with us and Amy was happy to house a few pieces herself. The 2-story house is really nice with 5 bedrooms and 2 baths for 6 girls. I think Abby will love it there. Meanwhile, Paige recently posted on her Facebook "I am now an only child." She's still not seeing the benefits.

Back home on Sunday, it seemed a perfect day for me to fulfill a goal I had set for the summer: to bike the Bugline Trail from my house to Kristin's. It was so nice and cool as I trekked my way from the hospital (Jeff dropped me off at the trailhead there) out to Sussex. About 5 miles and 45 minutes later, I was in Kristin & Carlo's driveway. Kristin had hired Bryn to babysit that same afternoon so I got to see her and had made arrangements for Jeff to pick me up, then we'd drive Bryn back to Carroll. Kristin and Carlo took longer to come back than we anticipated, so Bryn was repeatedly driven to the "doctor" by Lucy, while the doctor (Bella) fixed Bryn's missing teeth. The Taormina van was followed home by our van each with a piece of a very solid desk Kristin and Carlo had purchased on Craig's List and enlisted Jeff's help in moving. We got it in and got dinner too!

Wednesday was Paige's first day of school as a sophomore at the high school. She didn't have to go in until 12:30pm which made each class only 5 minutes long. Not sure what the logic is in this short of a school day, but whatever. Paige found a few more friends in her classes, but still lonely in a few of them. That evening, Paige reported back to the softball field for her select softball team callbacks only to find out they weren't having them. ???? A missed email told us that the coaches didn't see enough talent to make a competitive team, so they just aren't going to have one at all. Jeff's hopeful to find another select team for Paige, it'll just be further vs. right in our hometown.
Thursday was Bryn's first day of school at Carroll. And she started her on-campus job on Friday. She'll get 5hrs/week at her desk job in the Physical Therapy Dept. She said it's pretty cushy. Good for homework I said. She's found a running buddy that also plans to join track. All sounds like it's going well.

Abby was a good little packer all week and had all her stuff set to go by Friday afternoon. She even labeled all her bins and bags! We waited for Paige to come home on the bus and we left for La Crosse by 4pm; Abby driving the Prizm with Paige which Abby'll keep at school this year and Jeff and I in the van. The traffic was typical Friday-before-Labor-Day busy, but we knew what we were getting into. We stayed the night at our favorite La Crosse hotel, Stoney Creek, and Abby stayed with us: Abby in the bottom bunk, Paige on top. We were all refreshed Saturday morning and invaded the house at 10am. Luckily no one else was moving in the same day. Jeff and Abby immediately commented how great the house looked since they had last been there. A couple of her roommates had certainly been busy cleaning and painting. Paige and I unpacked and sorted things out mainly in the kitchen and living room. Jeff had his duties completing Abby's loft and hanging up various hooks and decorations. Abby's job was certainly the biggest: unpacking her clothes. Even her Wonder Hangers couldn't afford her enough room for it all! She sent some back with us and Amy was happy to house a few pieces herself. The 2-story house is really nice with 5 bedrooms and 2 baths for 6 girls. I think Abby will love it there. Meanwhile, Paige recently posted on her Facebook "I am now an only child." She's still not seeing the benefits.

Back home on Sunday, it seemed a perfect day for me to fulfill a goal I had set for the summer: to bike the Bugline Trail from my house to Kristin's. It was so nice and cool as I trekked my way from the hospital (Jeff dropped me off at the trailhead there) out to Sussex. About 5 miles and 45 minutes later, I was in Kristin & Carlo's driveway. Kristin had hired Bryn to babysit that same afternoon so I got to see her and had made arrangements for Jeff to pick me up, then we'd drive Bryn back to Carroll. Kristin and Carlo took longer to come back than we anticipated, so Bryn was repeatedly driven to the "doctor" by Lucy, while the doctor (Bella) fixed Bryn's missing teeth. The Taormina van was followed home by our van each with a piece of a very solid desk Kristin and Carlo had purchased on Craig's List and enlisted Jeff's help in moving. We got it in and got dinner too!
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Yesterday Paige attended tryouts for the local select softball team. She looked really good. She wants to play 2nd base or outfield. We've spent some extra time the past couple weeks driving her to various batting cages, to pitching lessons and encouraging her to just throw the ball around with friends. Paige was asked to come back Wednesday for further review. Go Paige! Then she got to go tubing with a couple friends and eventually they all ended up here for a sleepover.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Jeff flew out to Virginia the early part of last week to attend meetings on the big Martha Jefferson hospital he's been working on. He was happy he didn't have to drive (from the airport to Charlottesville is 2.5 hours yet) as he had just driven back and forth to La Crosse the day before to work on Abby's house and bring her home. Jeff said the flight was bumpy, but otherwise all was good.
He was welcomed home Wednesday night to Bryn's Bon Fire she had planned with friends that went on til 1am. The party was good. Bryn and Natalie bought goodies to make a variety of s'mores over the fire pit. And the very next morning, Jeff had to take off early to go a meeting up in Appleton.
Paige has been keeping busy going to waterparks, practicing softball for upcoming select team tryouts and a night of laser tag!
Jeff and I went with our friends, the Seeds, to State Fair last Friday night. We got caught in the rain a couple times, but we were prepared and could quickly duck into a beer tent, exhibit hall or animal barn. Jeff sampled a duck fajita and a bison burrito. I was quite content with my cream puff.
Bryn drove with Natalie over to Shell Lake to spend the weekend at Natalie's grandparents. Natalie leaves for college out in Colorado this weekend, so I'm glad they got to spend a lot of time together before they both left for school. Bryn said they had a great time swimming and boating and just hanging out.
Abby took part in Community Memorial Hospital's Wheeling for Healing last Saturday with her boyfriend, Mark, and his family. Jeff and I saw the morning news reporting from the event that day. We didn't realize it, but Abby and Mark rode the 33-mile race! Way to go Abby! She spent the afternoon at Mark's (recuperating!) swimming. She watched a movie with us that night and was in bed by 10pm! By that, you know she was tired!
Jeff and I went to see Abby "sent off" back to college from Elmbrook Church (where Abby attends when she's home) last Sunday. Kristin and Carlo belong to this church, so we coordinated a meeting spot before service started so we could sit together. We happily accepted to go to lunch with them— Bella and Lucy!—at Oscar's afterwards. So on the way home, I remembered that my college roommate, Polly, and her husband's home was on the way back to our house, so maybe we'd stop by and say hi. I'm the only one who had visited them earlier this summer. So we drive in on their long road, get to the edge of their cul de sac and are met with 3 police cars with the officers standing outside them. I got out to ask if we could drive in. "Who are you going to visit?" I told them and they suggested I call Polly and John to ask them to stay inside for a while because there's a "weapons situation." Of course I called, but then I thought "Why didn't the police call?" I didn't catch up with Polly afterward — figured there'd be enough neighborhood drama for her to deal with.
Tuesday I got to see a packaging design I did go on press at Outlook Graphics in Neenah. I really wanted to go to this particular print run because the client asked me and I worked there one summer during college. The place is a lot bigger than I remember. Our sales rep is going to drop off the assembled packages which I am excited to see. The product is called the Go Plate, and so far I've designed packaging for their generic colored plates, and their Iowa State branded edition.
He was welcomed home Wednesday night to Bryn's Bon Fire she had planned with friends that went on til 1am. The party was good. Bryn and Natalie bought goodies to make a variety of s'mores over the fire pit. And the very next morning, Jeff had to take off early to go a meeting up in Appleton.
Paige has been keeping busy going to waterparks, practicing softball for upcoming select team tryouts and a night of laser tag!

Bryn drove with Natalie over to Shell Lake to spend the weekend at Natalie's grandparents. Natalie leaves for college out in Colorado this weekend, so I'm glad they got to spend a lot of time together before they both left for school. Bryn said they had a great time swimming and boating and just hanging out.
Abby took part in Community Memorial Hospital's Wheeling for Healing last Saturday with her boyfriend, Mark, and his family. Jeff and I saw the morning news reporting from the event that day. We didn't realize it, but Abby and Mark rode the 33-mile race! Way to go Abby! She spent the afternoon at Mark's (recuperating!) swimming. She watched a movie with us that night and was in bed by 10pm! By that, you know she was tired!

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