The Art Guild started up another year with our first meeting this past Tuesday evening. Being around all those creative people really inspires me to draw or paint again. Thinking that will be my 2011 New Years resolution. I feel like I have to set a date, otherwise I keep letting the time slide by. We had a guest speaker that worked with these vibrant crayons that she applied with brushes like paint.

I felt so efficient on Friday simply by completing an astronomical amount of errands during the day. Nevermind that I missed my client's call 3 times because I was also supposed to be working from home. I delivered leftover canning jars to good people who can use them. I delivered hand-me-down clothing to a great family with girls a bit younger than Paige. We thought we found a bike for Abby on CraigsList, but never got a call back to come look at it. I scheduled an foot doctor appt for Bryn when's she's home next weekend to be fitted for permanent inserts per the request of her track coach. I shopped online for my goddaughter, Logan's, birthday present. After all that, I certainly deserved to be treated to the monthly church fish fry! Abby arrived home about 5pm and was able to accompany us.

Saturday was a day I was looking forward to: Carroll University's Homecoming and my 25th Reunion year. Jeff and Paige were up and running to get to her 8am pitching lesson in Horicon before any of Carroll's events were to happen. Abby was invited apple-picking with Mark and his family. So I headed out to Carroll late morning to catch the Alumni Art exhibit with Bryn. Bryn and I then headed to the bookstore to gear up for the day. Then we followed the music to the tailgate activities in the parking lot and met one of my college girlfriends and her daughter. We ate lunch and watched the Homecoming Parade together. The football game, which we seriously questioned if we would sit through or not, wasn't until 3pm, so we had a couple hours to kill yet. Bryn was a good sport and showed off her dorm room to Sue and her daughter and guided us through campus. Walking past a tailgate tent, I heard someone shout out my name. It was my good friend, Tim! He was there with his college roommate for the day. I questioned who sponsored the particular tent they were in and they didn't know, but were more than gracious acting as hosts and handing out beverages! Tim's daughter, Maggie, goes to Carroll too and she took a study break to hang out with us for a while. Jeff, Abby and Paige met up with us under the tent and we all decided we had the best spot in the house as we could watch the game going on directly across the street, drink and snack for free and be covered as the weather deteriorated and began to rain. We stayed til halftime then decided to go out for dinner and warm up. Bryn chose the Olive Garden.

Paige made her Fall Ball debut today playing side-by-side with the high school JV and Varsity softball team in their last game. Paige got to pitch 2 innings. She was also put in as a pinch-runner—everybody loves watching "Spidey" steal and run those bases! Of course, she scored. No sliding required. Her freshman coach was there watching and encouraging Paige. He's the reason she was invited to play. After the game, he came up to me and commented how athletic Paige is, how much talent she has, what a good attitude... And he texted Paige after we left that he already called the coach of a team he wants her to play on next summer! Good boost for Paige! So another chilly day outside. Luckily I planned my day right and went right into baking goodies for Abby to take with her back to school.
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