Jeff and I tag teamed getting Bryn back and forth from Carroll to her orthodontist appointment on Tuesday. It was for a retainer check which Bryn didn't even have with her. Didn't even pack to take to college! Needless to say, they asked her to wear it for 24 hours for the next 2 weeks, then every night from then on. Bryn just conveniently heard the end date of "2 years" when she initially got her retainer, and took it upon herself to stop wearing it exactly when that 2 years was up. Other bad news... the orthodontist wants the dentist to check on having her upper wisdom teeth removed. The dentist had written Bryn off to this point.
The annual MSOE hunt was this past weekend and Jeff left for up north Friday before lunch with his caravan to Waubeno. Jeff was disappointed that the weather was so warm again. For the first time, a few guys brought their sons up along with them. Jeff said they were good and it ended up that the boys were the ones to shoot the one and only bird all weekend.
Bryn caught a ride home from Carroll with a friend Friday evening and got back just in time to catch another ride to the high school Homecoming game. Paige was at a sleepover so I had the evening to myself. I did a little more of my photo archiving, then watched a rental movie. Next morning, Bryn asked to take the car to check in on how Student Council was doing with Homecoming Dance decorations. That let me take a nice walk to the grocery store where Bryn picked me up when I was done. Bryn hung out with Paige Saturday night while I celebrated Dave & Carrie's 50th birthdays at a party at their house.

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