Friday Nov 12th I drove down to Illinois to visit a client and then to IKEA to shop with my sister, Meg, for salon furniture. The client was Tek Packaging in Huntley, Illinois whom I've worked with to develop packaging for their GoPlate. My contact put together a fascinating tour of the plant that culminated in providing me with samples of my work. Then I met Meg at IKEA where we searched for chairs and tables to put in the waiting areas of her new salon. We found tables, but no chairs. After supper, Meg still had energy to search other stores, but still no luck. We stayed overnight and talked marketing, then left soon after breakfast the next morning.

The Art Guild was asked to help staff a Village-sponsored event that next day, Saturday Nov 13th. The Village opened a vacant storefront downtown and the Guild supplied the materials and helped children decorate Christmas stockings for a contest. It was fun, but I think the rain kept the attendance down.

And that evening, we attended the annual high school Scholarship Dinner and Auction. Always a good time. This year the venue was moved to Silver Spring Country Club and the food was fabulous! Jeff and I bid on a number of items, and only won one: a golf package. We sure had fun with Misasis and Zalowskis.
Jeff flew out to Virginia again for his monthly meetings that Monday (Nov 15th) and was back late Wednesday.

My 47th birthday was busier than I anticipated. The day before (Thursday) Aaron and Mike treated me to lunch at AJBombers. They have the BEST turkey burger and sweet potato fries! I started out with my Friday routine attending Step class at the Y. The membership card scanner played "Today is Your Birthday" when I checked in and I received a free guest pass. Then my class was subjected to 47 repetitions of a tough step thanks again to the birthday girl. From the Y, I showered and drove in to work to finish up a few things. John was on vacation deer hunting in Michigan so it seems I'm always doomed to work extra hours my birthday week. Then I ran around picking up things for Bryn's last-minute departure later that night. Don't worry, Paige and Jamie baked me a very chocolatey, yummy birthday cake!

So the Misasi family graciously invited little Bryn to come along on their trek to Colorado and surprise their daughter – and Bryn's best friend – Natalie during Thanksgiving break. The weeklong trip didn't exactly line up with Bryn's time off from school, so she discussed with her professors beforehand. Now if Bryn is able to get the work done while she's in that beautiful surroundings... So Jeff went to get Bryn from Carroll Friday at 5pm, so she could pack up and get to the Misasis by 9pm, so they could leave by 3am! We Skyped with Bryn Thanksgiving night. Bryn spent that day skiing, complete with a lesson in the morning. She returns early this afternoon and we can't wait to hear all about it. Bryn was a good little daughter and has sent me pics on her phone every once in a while to placate me.
Tuesday was a tough day for little Paigey. Her good friend, Jamie, enlisted in the Army and Tuesday was her sendoff. Jamie's family included Paige that day and took her to downtown to see Jamie swear in and say their goodbyes at the airport where Jamie heads for basic training in South Carolina. Jamie and Paige spent a lot of time together lately and there's going to be a big void.
Paige's conferences were that afternoon and I got to hear how sweet and quiet Paige is in school. Every teacher commented on how they're trying to get Paige to "open up." Funny. She's doing awesome in her Media Studies and business classes.

Headed to Appleton Thanksgiving Day to eat out at Van Abel's with Jeff's family. I love this tradition! I so look forward to that broasted chicken every year. After dinner, we relaxed at Maggie's for the afternoon. We chatted for hours. Paige even decided on her confirmation name with the help of her aunt: Deborah. Jeff and I received an early Christmas present from Terry and Paul: 3 bags of frozen fish Paul caught and frozen french fries!

My alarm went off at 5:00am so I was awake when Kristin called to announce that we didn't have to wait in line at our first store because she was able to buy it online. She had gotten up twice already that morning trying to see if/when it might be available online, and she just never went back to bed after 4:00. Wow! So we started at Target which was a total bust: first, there was no parking to be had. We get into the store and the lines are longer than I've ever seen there. So while I was in my non-moving checkout line, I purchased what I wanted using my iPhone and left everyone else in the dust! Next we hit Kohls, which is always productive, ToysRUs and Brookfield Square mall. We all went home and napped so I could prepare myself to work concessions at the season opening boys' basketball game. What a workout that was! We couldn't restock soda fast enough so people were complaining it wasn't cold. Jeff popped popcorn nonstop while people pulled aside waiting for their bag. We had to serve hot dogs on hamburger buns because we ran out of hot dog buns. And it took us til 10:00pm to get out of there. Unreal.

Last night we had the Taorminas and Abby's boyfriend, Mark, over for dinner. I was prepared with stickers as Paige and I had just returned from a trip to Michael's where she was looking for something to make her friend Jamie. Lucy and Bella were fascinated with Paige laughing at the faces she would make and retrieving her from her bedroom whenever they realized she was gone and they were missing her. We all started watching Finding Nemo, but it got too late so Lucy and Bella just checked it from the Saunders library.
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