So my work has been crazy busy ever since Kevin left at the end of April. Norman Design has since hired a new employee, Aaron, and he started June 1st and seems like a very likeable and capable co-worker. Because we're so swamped, we haven't all been able to reach out to him much. So my extra hours continue...
Abby started working at Hallmark 9 to 5 Mondays thru Thursdays June 14th. And Bryn got a gig driving kids around to their activities as their parents work full-time. Abby and Bryn have been super at working out who-gets-the-car and when. Paige's softball season continues as Little League season is now in full swing.
Bryn and Paige participated on different teams in our local American Cancer Society's Relay for Life on the 18th. It started at 6pm and ended the next morning at 9am. Your team had to have one member walking the track at all times. The weather wasn't too cooperative with storms threatening and moving the event into the high school twice before midnight. They did get to be outside after that. Many teams had tents to nap in, some had campers and grills.
The weekend of the 25th, we helped Kristin and Carlo move to their newly-built house in Sussex. We were all able to help on Friday with Craig, Clark, my Mom & Dad and Carlo's brother, Sal. On Saturday, I was the only one available and so I went. Clark did a fabulous job cleaning up the old house before Kristin and Carlo said good-bye to it and Clark flattened most of the moving boxes for recycling when we were through. Craig thought Abby did a tremendous job organizing and stacking the boxes as we loaded them up into the moving truck. Kristin and Carlo had all the boxes well-labeled so we knew just where to drop them in the new house.
Bryn got her room assignment at Carroll. She will be in a triple with a girl from Menomonee Falls, Montana, and a girl from Illinois, Hailey, on the 4th floor of Swarthout Hall. Bryn has looked for Hailey on Facebook, but apparently there are 2 with the same last name; so Bryn's waiting for Hailey to contact her first.

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