Jeff and I are experiencing a trial run of being empty nesters this week. Abby is down in Indianapolis helping Meg & William with their kids. Bryn is on a mission trip with St James in Kansas City, Kansas. And Paige is also on a mission trip with Good Shepherd in New Castle, Pennsylvania. Of course Abby is easily accessible this week and she is having a great time hanging out with Bryce, Logan, Mia and Cooper — and helping Meg with her new salon. Bryn's called in twice so far — but after we're asleep! — about 11:00pm. She promised she'd try earlier tonight. It's been scorching hot in Kansas City, but she always sounds like she's so happy (check up on her this week by clicking on link at right). Paige has been harder to communicate with and with this being her first year, we're just not sure what to expect. I did text her a bit last night. She's been grouped with college-age kids, not from our church, and they've demolished and rebuilt a porch so far. We'll be reunited with Bryn and Paige on Saturday and we'll meet Abby south of Chicago on Sunday to pick her up.
So let me pick up where I left off from my last post.

On the 4th of July we headed down to Summerfest where Abby, Bryn and Paige were lucky enough to see Carrie Underwood in the Amphitheatre! I brought along rain ponchos which seemed to ward off the threatening rain. While the girls were at their concert, Jeff and I found a nearby tent where a local band band was playing and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

The 5th of July marked Abby and Mark's one-year anniversary. Abby was quite excited for their big date where Mark treated her to a swanky Italian restaurant then gelato.

We celebrated Bryn's high school graduation with a party at our home on July 10th. We had a great turn out! Bryn did a fabulous job setting up her "shrine" in the dining room, pulling out all her awards and assembling the picture boards. Lucy was the hit of the party shooting everybody at close range with the tiger bubble-blower! Thunderstorms pushed the party inside twice. After 7:00pm when wave of kids started coming, we needed to move the party outside again.
Last week I finished up programming the website for Meg's new salon (
salonsalonsuites.com). One little detail I can't figure out, but spent hours trying! Frustrating!
Paige is missing her final Little League tournament games this week and her coach couldn't be more disappointed. Jeff and I may go watch the final game this coming Saturday morning without her.

After we got all our kids off last Saturday morning, Jeff and I headed up to Appleton for nephew Mitchell's grad party. We brought Theo along because we decided to drive up north to spend the night and next day and treat Theo to some lake swimming. Since it was only the three of us, we took the little car and Theo got comfy in the hatchback. It did end up raining Sunday morning, but we were able to get in a cloudy boat ride after lunch.
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