This was a very big week. And you can tell because I didn't get to my blog Sunday night. Basically the entire week was getting ready for Bryn's Prom and Confirmation. Picking up the garter.
Thursday morning the dentist put on my permanent crown. I'm really surprised that the entire process was pain-free. Paige had a track meet in Cedarburg that afternoon that we opted not to drive out to.

Friday I took Paige over to a friend's house after track practice. Then Jeff and I went to Bryn's track meet. The meet was called the "Pre-Prom Invitational" and all 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers got to stand on a podium and received flowers. I thought that was very appropriate for a girls meet. Bryn's 4x800 relay team placed first and therefore was awarded flowers. We returned home waiting for Paige to call for a ride home. No call by 9:30pm, so I searched for the girl's phone number. Unlisted. My only choice was to just drive back over. The house was completely dark. The mom answered the door in her bathrobe looking at me quizzically. I explained I didn't know what time to get Paige. She let me in and there I discovered Paige in a sleeping bag. "Oh! It's a sleepover!" News to me. I explained I'd pick Paige up in the morning. The mom was totally understanding.

Saturday morning was Little League Opening Day. Paige had to be there by 7:45am. She was too perky at first. Once we got a donut in her from the concession stand and her friends showed up we were good. We helped Miranda's mom push her car out of some pretty deep mud with the help of a good Samaritan who had a tow rope and big truck.

Meanwhile Bryn went with Kendal to Confirmation rehearsal. Then to lunch. I met up with them at the hair salon to see Bryn's updo in progress (and pay for it of course). Kendal helped Bryn with her makeup before she went back home. We hosted Bryn's date and parents for a few pictures at the house, then met another couple at the park for more pictures. It was warm enough out, but a little too breezy. From the park, everyone headed to the high school for the Grand March and more pictures! The kids then boarded the coach buses to the country club for dinner and the dance. We headed out for margaritas with the Seeds! We were not able to stay up til Bryn came home (about 2:30am).

Sunday morning my Dad and Jeff put up the martin house in the backyard. This was my parents' and my Dad cleaned it up for our yard. Because we have such open space, we really should attract martins. The note from my Dad on the house said "Happy Bird's Day!" My Mom and I prepared the food and ran and picked up some that I had ordered earlier. We were all set when the guests arrived at 1pm. Mass was at 4pm and was really nice. Bryn was a giftbearer. I can't say how pleased I am with Bryn choosing Kendal as her Confirmation sponsor.
Beautiful week all around.
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