Okay so my mom has not been doing her blogs and people are starting to get upset. So yeah, I'm writing it for her. Anyways, this is Paige, and there's going to be a boatload of information in here since my mother has missed like two weeks. So a long long time ago Bryn and I had track meets. I'm going to guess that Bryn won or got second or something another since that would be typical. She got second in hurdles I remember. The last two track meets I went to I got first in hurdles both times, and second and third in the 200m dash. I have conference this Thursday that I'm going to for the hurdle shuffle, because it's an all relay meet. Bryn has either sectionals, regionals, or state sometime soon I don't know which one but whatever.

So for the past couple weeks our house has been rampaged by our whole family, actually mostly mom slash dad but same thing, for our rummage sale. Apparently we sold like 200 dollers worth of crap. Woohoo! Grandma Karen was here to help my mom on both days of the rummage sale. Grandma and Grandpa came in Thursday and left on Monday. I liked it because then I got coffee every single day! And because they're cool. They night they came in I had a band concert. I guess it was really awesome, although everybody was sweating like pigs and pretty much in the process of going blind from the bright spotlights in our faces. It was cool though. The fun part of the weekend was going to Bella and Lucy's birthday party. We got to hang out and play in the backyard, watch them open presents, and eat cupcakes. Unfortunately we got about zero good pictures, which of course really dissapointed my mother. Bryn and I had another track meet and we both did good, blah blah blah. Mom told me she got a really good picture of me running and went on about how you could see my leg muscles (beastly) and everything, but I thought it was repulsive so you are seeing me smiling and holding the silver baton before my relay.

Mom and I decided Bryn has enough track pictures and you already know all that jazz. Bryn and Mom went on this Friday to tour UW Madison. Note that the picture is just of the building, of course Bryn would not pose or even be in a picture facing frontwards, so yeah. There is this hilarious picture of mom in the middle of talking and holding an ice cream cone, but I don't think she'd be very happy with me if I included that. Sad face. Abby was on a retreat thing and Dad went to pick her up on Friday, so our house was vacant. I would've gone with to retrieve Abby but it was a half day so I was with my friends. Later that night I went to see Dance Flick with some people, dude go see it, it's one of the funniest movies, although some of it is disgusting, but most people laughed at it so I'm guessing it's funny if you're older, and most of you reading this are older than thirteen so it's all funny to you. Just so you know my birthdays in seven days. That's one week from today. The 31. 7 something PM. We went to McDonald's yesterday for lunch and discussed genetic traits, which led to Abby telling us that she used to only be able to roll her tongue upside down... but not she does it correctly... ?! I told her, quoting my science teacher, that if you have the genetic trait you have it, if you can't roll your tongue you will never be able too! But I guess Abby taught herself or something. Then we went through all the genetic traits and it got a little odd so my mom told us we were going to leave. Last night Abby had some dudes over. They watch a lot of YouTube videos that are kind of funny. Then they were just telling stories or whatever. Tomorrow I have to stupid march for band, which I have like rhythem problems or something because I cannot march and play at the same time so don't watch my feet if you are there. But it doesn't matter because I probably won't be playing at all times, it's tiring and apparently we're not allowed to take our instruments away from our mouths if we want to take a breath. Bryn gets to ride in a fancy car for Badger Girl's State, lucky her.
Yay I filled you all in! That is all of the Saunders's life for the past two weeks.
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