It snowed like crazy last Sunday night and Paige and Bryn were convinced that school was cancelled Monday. Jeff and I were out shoveling at 6am. The snow was so wet that the snowblower couldn't hack it. Paige and Bryn did get up and get all ready for school, but swore they saw "Menomonee Falls Public Schools" scroll across the bottom of the TV screen with all the other closings. They went back to bed, but I wasn't so sure. I never saw our schools named. I visited all the local TV websites and scanned the closings. Nope. So I had to wake them up again, and send along tardy excuses!
My step-brother-in-law and his daughter visited my work on Tuesday. Yep, Jeff (Mayer) drove down from Appleton and picked up Kayleigh from Marquette U. They set up a meeting with Norman Design to discuss a website project. It sounded really exciting so I hope it works out!
The girls had early release from school on Thursday and they enjoyed their time off. Paige went to see Twilight AGAIN and Bryn hung out at a friend's for the afternoon.

Friday night was Jeff's company Christmas party at a new hotel right by his work, the Crowne Plaza. Nice place. We were treated to 3 different food stations and lots of hors d'oeuvres. The entertainment was really different and enjoyable: they were called Piano Fondue. Two grand pianos were set up facing each other and the audience was encouraged to request songs. The songs were played until another "bidder" came up with a better tune to replace it. The pianists were really entertaining and it was amazing they knew every single song requested from Metallica to Neil Diamond. We came home to only remember that St Nick was to visit that same evening. The reminder came when we saw Bryn and Paige's innovative stocking display above the fireplace. Way to be creative!

All week Paige went to Cho's with more preparation and pre-testing than usual for her deputy black belt. Thursday it was announced that she was only 1 of 4 able to test for deputy and Friday she was able to pick up her necessary papers. So Saturday morning Jeff and I watched as she broke her board, performed her form, demonstrated her sparring, kicks and punches. She'll find out if she passed later this week at class when they award belts, but she looked really good even though she was a bit nervous.

After testing, we stopped at our usual tree farm and Paige picked out the chubbiest Christmas tree she could find! She laughed as Jeff and I dragged it to the checkout as it seemed Jeff was just dragging me with it. We were able to warm up with some hot chocolate and cider while they shook the tree out, bagged it and tied it to our cartop.
I have a bit more to add, but I have to leave for Bryn's concert!
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