I'm so impressed with how connected Abby is with her rides back and forth from LaCrosse. That helps us out so much! Abby was back from UWL Tuesday before any of us got home from work or school. But Paige only figured out she was home when she noticed Abby was on Facebook telling everyone she was back! Abby was up in her room on her laptop. So Abby came along with me to drive Paige to TaeKwonDo and do a little Christmas shopping.
Bryn's UWAY Concerto Competition rescheduled for this past Tuesday did go on. Bryn, Jeff and accompanist Dr. Puchner were all taken aback when the only comments made upon completion of her piece was "Thank You." No suggestions for improvement, no compliments, nothing! They stopped at Qdoba for a bite to eat before heading back home and Bryn back to Band Revue practice. Again.

Wednesday Abby worked a little bit. Later, Paige got a really cute bang makeover before her band concert Wednesday night. I think her hair will behave much better with not so much to keep back all the time.
School was cancelled Friday (so glad I don't work Fridays!) due to our 11 inches of snow! Jeff and I went out to shovel at 8:30am so we could get Abby's car out since she had to be to work at 9am. I went in to yell at her for the 3rd time at 9:05, when she told me that she didn't have to go in. Thanks. She was on call for the remainder of the morning and did have to work at noon. The snow tapered off by then. I had all intentions of running to the mall for more last minute Christmas shopping and had not intentions of some silly snow storm stopping me. I headed out by 1:30pm and to my surprise, the mall was NOT crowded! Paige, Jeff and I went to Band Revue Friday night and loved it. Abby went also, but with a group of kids from her graduating class. Bryn's ensemble that played in Act II was awesome!!!! Our James Bond raffle basket put all the others to shame with all its creative prizes and the just the sheer size of it.

Saturday we headed north to Grandma Maggie and Grandpa Tom's to celebrate Christmas. The snow just doesn't stop! We watched it come down and blow on the way there and back. We couldn't make the family Christmas set for Sunday due to another Band Revue performance, but really liked having the time alone with Jeff's Mom and Tom. That night, Jeff and I went out for a few small items and I dropped my cell phone. And not just any cell phone, my iPhone!!! When we got back in the car after Walgreen's I couldn't find my phone anywhere. Jeff immediately turned around and we searched the crevices of the car and the ground where we had parked. Suddenly the lady in the car next to us rolled down her window and asked if we had lost a cell phone! She had just found one and asked a guy coming back to his car from the store if it was his. I guess he was grateful she had found HIS phone. I was not so grateful. Jeff called my phone from his and of course, no answer. I urged Jeff to text the guy and let him know we'd be at Walgreen's waiting for his return. Luckily, he did but we did not offer a reward to a wanna-be-iPhone-thief.

Back from last performance of Band Revue; we went with Kristin, Paige, Abby and my parents. Just as impressed as the Friday night. Really good this year. The high school outsourced the script which I was against, and I hate to admit it, but it was a good storyline. I guess I just prefer that the students do it "all." Band Revue is such a great high school memory for those kids.
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