Paige earned her high red belt in Tae Kwon Do and moves up to another class. She actually switches days and times with the bonus being that it's earlier, so I can walk again while it's light out. Only one more week til daylight savings changes all that. The next day I drove her, I noticed people out on the street corners holding signs that LinensNThings is going out of business. After I dropped Paige off, I went in to purchase a curtain rod and sheers for Paige's bedroom that I had been meaning to get. They were 30% off!
Wind Symphony at the high school had a concert Tuesday night. The best piece was a suite of music from Candida, composed by Leonard Bernstein. I loved it. No matter where we sit in that auditorium, we never get a good view of Bryn way back in that low brass section! Which means no pictures for me!
Paige joined Builders Club at her school and they painted pumpkins for a local nursing home at their Wednesday meeting.

Saturday Jeffrey turned 46! We celebrated the evening before by going out to a nice Italian place for dinner. Saturday was Bryn's sectional meet for Cross Country out in Hartland. The course is very flat which encourages fast times for the runners. We let Paige bring 2 friends along. The boys ran first and we cheered them on. By the end of the race, tears were rolling down my face as one of our top 2 runners was kind of delirious and didn't even seem to know what was going on. He slowed down to a walk by the end and barely crossed the finish line. Another of our runners looked as if he was really in pain. Obviously they gave it their all, but only 2 runners will go to State this year because they didn't qualify as an entire team. Sad. Bryn was up next and looked strong as she finished 28th (1st of our runners) with a great time of 16:31. None of our girls qualified for State. I kept Paige's friends for the afternoon so they could work on their Halloween costumes. They're going as the characters from the game Clue. Paige will be Colonel Mustard. They'll each wear clothing in the character's color (Scarlett, Mustard, White, etc.), then accessorize with a few items. I dropped them off at Bartz's and WalMart while I grocery shopped and they found a few items. Later, Bryn, Paige and I took Jeff out for a waffle cone at Pop's.

Today both Paige and Bryn have Sunday School: Paige in the a.m., Bryn tonight. I had them both vacuum their rooms - which means they also had to pick it up. In turn, I have lots of laundry to do. I decided to begin to tackle organizing our storage in the basement. I'm still finding things Abby has scurried away! I discovered 2 backpacks that Abby could live out of for 2 weeks! Rotten apples, granola bars, endless gum wrappers, mechanical pencils, baggies of Goldfish crackers, mittens, nail polish, hand sanitizer, and don't forget a water bottle! I really thought I had gone through all that by now. I brought down Abby's storage bins and didn't realize that we have 6 bins full of Abby memorabilia! She is a packrat! But it is fun to look through. Today I found "Why I Am Proud to be Your Daughter" where she filled in the blanks of a poem from school. I brought it up to my room by Bryn's version. Jeff and Paige decorated the front bushes with spider webs, then went out to the pumpkin farm to get our pumpkins before the weather turned, while I baked. We noticed on Abby's Facebook that's it's snowing in La Crosse! I'm going to draw the UWL logo on Abby's pumpkin tonight. Jeff downloaded a few ideas so we'll see how the others turn out!
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