Bryn got tired of sitting around and waiting to be asked, so she asked a boy to Homecoming on Monday (29th). He's a year older (senior) and is also a Cross Country runner. I had pretty much dismissed the idea of her even going by now. So now we have less than 2 weeks – and only 1 weekend! – to find a dress, shoes, jewelry, garter and order a buttonneer! I don't function like this! But I am glad she made it happen. And her friends are very glad to have her join the group.

Tuesday (30th) Paige tried out the adult class at Tae Kwon Do since she's pretty much the oldest in the kids classes. I drove her and took a walk on the nearby BugLine Trail while she was in class. Beautiful evening and I'm so sad that it's getting dark out earlier and earlier. I hate walking on treadmills. Paige decided being the oldest kid in the class is much more fun than being the youngest adult, so she's switching back.
Bryn has Powderpuff Football practice now with that game coming up next Wed during Homecoming Week. They say she has a pretty good arm, but has mostly been positioned as a running back. I just hope she doesn't get injured.

Jeff stayed behind with Paige on Friday (3rd), while I rode up with friends to watch Bryn run in Fond du Lac. Another gorgeous day and another well-groomed course. Bryn looked confident and strong again as she ran her best time this year: 16:20!!!! I went up to congratulate her after her finish and I never noticed she had only one shoe on! She lost it about halfway!! She was making jokes about it. One of her coaches did end up finding it for her before it got dark. So Bryn only has one more meet this Thursday, then it 's on to Sectionals the following weekend. Go Bryn! Jeff was a good dad and stayed home to take Paige to Tae Kwon Do again, and then to chaperone Paige's sleepover.
Saturday Bryn made plans with Kendal to shop for Homecoming dresses at Kendal's personal outlet. Bryn ended up choosing one and following Saunders tradition: minor alterations will be ready on Monday. Thank God for Holly. Kendal came to pick up Bryn and it was really good to see her. I think it was a nice substitute "Abby" fix for me (Kendal is as close as it gets!).

Today we went to the high school Rededication Ceremony where we could tour the entire building. Impressive. I hope Abby gets to see inside next weekend when she's home. It'll be a dramatic change for her to see.
We're all so excited to see Abby this coming Friday. We've got her room all ready for her and a couple nice surprises. And Kendal informed me of a surprise from Abby. Abby asked me weeks ago if she could have her friends over Saturday night during the Homecoming Dance and of course I agreed. Kendal said I should check out Abby's new Facebook group: Falls Alum Homecoming Get-Together - where she basically invites ALL alum to her (my!) house for a party. A couple more people than I was anticipating (current count is at 63). Abby laughed when I asked her about it on the phone tonight. Spontaneity. That's what we miss about Abby.
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