School is officially out for Paige and Bryn as of last Tuesday (June 10th). Paige walked to a couple fast food joints with friends after the early release on that last day and Bryn made her annual trip to Fuddruckers with Natalie.

I was treated to a surprise field trip at work on Tuesday. John's brother-in-law, Pat, is a teamster that works on movie sets and packs up equipment, drive the actors around, etc. Well, they're filming Public Enemies in downtown Milwaukee and an unmarked white van picked us up and took us to the Historical Society building!!! Pat even timed it around the actor's lunch break so that we'd have a chance to catch a glimpse of Johnny Depp! After an hour of hanging around with the inner circle of wardrobe, makeup artists, sound guys, etc. we left. But, luckily Pat's walkie-talkie announced that it was time for lunch so we looked for Johnny's body guard and sure enough Johnny was right behind!!!

That night, Bryn invited a few friends over for a Last Day of School get together. They played a little football, then burned their most-hated piece of band music in the firepit and roasted s'mores.
Abby was recognized at the Optimist Breakfast meeting Wednesday morning as one of the recipients of their scholarships. She was asked to come to the front along with the other winners and introduce themselves, where they're going to college, what volunteer work they've done, etc. Abby announced she will be attending UW-LaCrosse and her friend Anna almost tackled her when they went to sit down. Anna is also going to La Crosse, but never knew Abby was even considering it.

Paige had her postponed her birthday party Friday at Stonefire Pizza. It's like Chuck E Cheese, but they serve a buffet and it's much cleaner. The girls had a blast and even mingled with some boys from Franklin. A 13-year-old birthday party and they're checking out guys! The party was a great success.

Saturday Maggie came down for Grandparents Day at Little League and watched Paige pitch her first game. She was in for one inning and did great! Later, Paige slammed a triple! We thought it was gutsy to run to third but figured her coach at 1st base told her to go for it. Apparently, her only told her to take 2nd, but she felt she could make it to 3rd. She never slowed down. It was fun. Paige had to leave the Little League field for Tae Kwon Do testing so we said our goodbyes to Maggie. When Paige and I were almost to testing, we discovered we neglected to take her sparring equipment. So Jeff and Maggie drove on up and got to see her test. We drove Maggie out to the highway afterward and headed home to work in the yard a bit before going to Abby's friend, Ali's, graduation party.
To celebrate Father's Day, we took Jeff out to the field again. Paige had another game again today and got to pitch for 2 innings this time. She did really well again. And we won!!! The team really needed that confidence boost.
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