Since my mom hasn't "blogged" since may 18, i have a big buttload to cover.

on may 24, there was this maxwell street fair i think it's called, and there was a duck race.i went with my mom and grandma! there were like 50 bajillion ducks and a lot of them got stuck in their way down the river. i ran into my friends miranda and kaitlin at the duck race. and yeah there were a lot of ducks so you'd just see like a big blob of ducks floating down the river :D after the duck race, i went home with miranda and went to her house for a little while and then she came back to our house, and miranda, bryn, abby and me all roasted s'mores! :D

i had to push bella in the swing for a while since she never wanted to get out :D
and bryn played with lucy
abby's boyfriend alex came to and we all tried to play hacky sack [if thats how you spell it] but none of us were really good, and abby kicked it like she was doing taekwondo. :D
nothing really exciting happened until the 31st
my birthday :]]

i had a softball game that morning and i had to be there at 7:45 am.
the game was at 8:30, and usually i would have to be there at 8:15, but this time they decided to change it so i was not very excited. we won though (:
then i got home and my parents took me to buy the trampoline.

then my friend miranda came over and we walked to bartz's, culvers, and JC Penny's when my mom was grocery shopping, and when we got back she was STiLL not done. she spent a lot of money i wont even tell you the amount.
then we got back and me and miranda watched 27 dresses [very good movie] (:
and then we all ate cake.
are you still reading this. i don't think i would. this is longer than i thought. but i think i'm done....
yeah i'm done. have a nice day (:
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