Merry Christmas from the Saunders household!
Our family was fortunate enough to take a 2-week driving trip out to Banff, Canada late last June. It was spectacular! We also had fun cheering our high school football team on to State this season. Weather couldn't have been better for those fall football games.
I'm still with Norman Design but have recently taken on 2 additional part-time jobs: cashiering at Kohls Dept Stores and cleaning the office every other weekend. Keeping me busy, but the retail job is quite a refreshing break from my quiet graphic design office where I sit all day. I've had fun getting involved with our local Art Guild, where I recently totally redesigned their web site. I also created a site for the girls high school Cross Country team that was a terrific outlet for the hundreds of pictures I take of them.
Paige is a freshman in high school. She plays clarinet in band and jazz band. Paige earned her black belt in Tae Kwon Do last spring and recently participated in a special routine with her Tae Kwon Do demo team. She pitched for Little League last summer and took a nasty line drive to her right eye that took her out for the playoffs. Paige will soon have to decide between Track and Softball as they are both spring sports.
Abby is a sophomore at UW-La Crosse where her major is now Communications and her minors are English as a Second Language and Art. This year Abby's rooming with an RA but already has her lease signed to live off campus with 5 close friends next year. Abby leads the Latino group with Campus Crusade for Christ at UWL. She still works at Hallmark whenever she is back home.
Bryn is a senior in high school. She wants to pursue a career in Physical Therapy but is still undecided as to where she will go to college. Bryn plays trombone in band and jazz band and runs Cross Country in the fall and Track in the spring. Band Revue just concluded its run, where Bryn was one of 4 student directors that wrote the script, set up rehearsals, did choreography and chose the music. Bryn attended Badger Girls State last June — unfortunately, the same week as our vacation. Bryn also volunteered on a mission trip again last summer, this time to West Virginia.
Jeff just celebrated 20 years with Ring & DuChateau. Jeff also continues to teach Senior Design class at MSOE. He was able to get together with his college friends in October for their annual hunt in Waubeno and Packer game, both in October. We've kept Jeff busy with many repairs he never thought he could do before: replacing a laptop screen and fixing a digital camera. However we did suffer a few losses after Jeff gave them his best try: washer, dishwasher, Honda CRV, bicycle. Luckily all replaceable.