Bryn had a job interview at Walgreens Monday, then had to be drug tested the following day. So once she's tested clean, she'll be working in the pharmacy at our Walgreens! Congrats Bryn! She was recommended for the job by a former Cross Country teammate who currently holds that position. Walgreens encourages the pharmacy employees to nominate their own replacement when they leave for college.

Paige went to her follow-up appointment with a plastic surgeon on Wednesday (8th) morning and got encouraging news. She does have a small crack in both her orbital bone and nose bone, but the doctor was confident it will heal well on its own. He gave her the green light to go do whatever physical activity her heart desires. Paige was eager to play with her softball team in their 2nd game of the tournament that night. Jeff stopped at the sporting goods store on the way back from the doctor to buy her an outfielders mask that she would have to wear if she pitched. Her teammates were happy and surprised to see her back already. Paige didn't make the pitching lineup (I was relieved). She was a little gunshy and let a few balls get past her, but I thought she was very brave just getting back on the field. Her team lost and is now out of the tournament so I'm really glad she was able to play.

Jeff tried to play Mr. Fix-It again. Now with our dishwasher. It's begun to leak. I noticed it doing laundry this week and the clothes were wet already when I was throwing them in. My laundry heaps are directly below the dishwasher. Jeff thinks the problem is in the motor and knowing it's 8+ years old, doesn't think it's worth it to call someone in. So we're off to Sears' Friends and Family Night tonight!
Bryn and her fellow Mission Trippers were commissioned at mass this morning. They leave for West Virginia next Saturday at 8am! Abby and Paige are over babysitting their cousins, Bella and Lucy.

What a beautiful weekend! I washed the van yesterday and have to get back out there and clean the windows from the inside yet. Theo has really enjoyed hanging out with us in the yard and on the patio.
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