So I'm slacking a bit on my weekly updates. Activities have ramped up.
YES BRYN PASSED HER DRIVER'S TEST!!! She did an awesome job only missing 5 points! While she was out testing, another mother was nervously awaiting for her daughter to return. I guess it was her 3rd time. Anyways, this mom is just gawking out the window giving me a play-by-play of what the instructor is doing with Bryn... "they're still in your car. he must really be quizzing her!" now they're pulling around the side of the building. did you know they park a van there just to parallel park behind? i guess she's going to have to parallel park. you know this DMV is known for having the toughest road tester..." I was fine til she came along!
Bryn had a mission trip retreat Friday night with all the others that will be going to Mississippi this coming July. Kind of a bonding/team-building session. They had a potluck dinner at church then went to play laser tag. Paige was invited to sleepover and Abby always has weekend plans, so Jeff and I were on our own! After we had dinner with Paige and dropped her off at her sleepover, we went shopping. Sounds crazy, but it was nice not to have a time limit. I had broken our camera at one of Paige's basketball games and we needed to replace it. OK. I needed to replace it.

Paige began track practice this past Monday. She is skipping Tae Kwon Do tonight because her legs are so sore from "suicides" at track practice after school. Her first meet is next Thursday. She'd like to do hurdles and sprints. And Little League practice has begun on Thursdays and Saturdays - when it doesn't snow!!!
Bryn's next meet is this Thursday where she'll be in the 4x400 and 4x800 relays again. I'll just be excited for the weather to cooperate.
This morning, Jeff accompanied Abby to the Optimist Club breakfast as she was honored as the High School Optimist Student of the Month. Her introduction by Mr. Petroff was flattering and even Abby had to talk a bit. Way to go Abby!
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