The kids were off school on Monday which was especially nice for Bryn with having her concert the night before. My boss, John, called in sick to work with this crazy flu that's going around. I had to leave early to take Paige to the orthodontist. While she was at Tae Kwon Do, after supper, I stopped in at our local school redistricting meeting and was disappointed to have to leave to pick Paige up again. Very interesting topics are being approached including year round schooling. Don't think I would mind it, it'd be 9 weeks on/2 weeks off with 7 weeks off for summer. Not that radical to me.
Tuesday evening I joined a new group. And it doesn't involve my kids. I joined the Menomonee Falls Art Guild. Basically just promotes the arts in the area as well as supports the local artists. Nothing much with me being a newbie, but I'm hoping it'll inspire me to paint again in a few years. When I was soliciting donations for the Silent Auction at the Carnival, I contacted Abby and Bryn's old art teacher as she runs a local art gallery. She agreed to donate under one condition: I join the Art Guild. Not a bad deal.
Wednesday I picked up the troop's Girl Scout cookie order. Much different than those Brownie days: only 22 cases. I stayed to help load a couple of other troops, and sighed as I remembered this is my last year doing this.

The girls had an early release on Friday, so I volunteered to take whoever wanted to shopping for the Carnival supplies at Sam's Club. I took Ali, Kendal and Abby through the McDonald's drive-thru on our way. We started with 3 carts, but ended up also fully loading a palette-like cart with 27 cases of soda. Guess which one I pushed... I don't get much time interacting with Abby & Bryn & kids that age so I'll take it.

Throughout the week Paige and I decorated some items for another fundraiser. One of the friend's families is hosting a gentleman from Tanzania, Africa. There, he works at an orphanage that helps 400 children. The host family wanted to help him out and creatively asked others to donate an art item for a gallery night held on Friday. Paige and I worked on painting and decoupaging a purse, birdhouse and picture frame. Paige even made a "P" for her room. It was fun browsing and bidding that evening. We ended up taking home a few bracelets.

Saturday I baked cakes for the Carnival Cake Walk. Figured if I baked them early Abby & Bryn could decorate later. Ended up baking 6 cakes (1 layer each) and 2 brownies. Jeff's mom and sister, Terry, came down for a visit. Theo is always the most excited when Terry comes. They brought down a huge tray of subs for lunch and we visited, then headed out to cheer Paige on at her basketball game. Pretty tough this week as they play St. Anthony's school team. Paige got knocked in the mouth with an elbow but toughed it out. That evening Jeff and I went out for dinner... at the Wisconsin Club. Fancy Schmancy. Jeff won a drawing at a seminar and this was the prize! It was very peaceful and relaxing, and so delicious! But we weren't quite sure how to eat a couple items they brought out, but I don't think we embarassed ourselves.
Today (Sunday) was the big Carnival at the High School run by Student Council. Abby and I arrived this morning by 8:00am. We had to leave Bryn at home as she is feeling terrible. Lying on her floor with alternating chills then fever. The morning was spent setting up games, making posters, and just moving stuff where it needed to go. The Carnival officially began at 12noon and ran til 4pm. I sold tickets then with Alex's mom, Sue. We were kept busy, but also had time to chat. I had to take a break when Kristin and Carlo came with Bella and Lucy so I could take pictures! Bella got to pick out a cake from the CakeWalk! Alex, Abby and Alex's little brother won 6 cakes for Sue and I to take home. Jake was really cute running up to his mom announcing "this one's really special because Abby made it." Poor Sue. She gave up dessert for Lent. All the Student Council members worked very hard manning games and refreshments. I know I'm tired. Tonight we're having leftover hamburgers for dinner. And cake for dessert! Perfect.
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