Because of the snow, Abby, Bryn and I drove together to the High School Student Council meeting together. Parents were invited to recruit our help with the Student Council's biggest annual event: The Winter Carnival. I wasn't sure going in exactly what was going to be asked of me. I was one of only 2 rookies (Alex's mom was the other) at the meeting, so I was a little lost. The event is totally free to kids and the Student Council runs several games and blow-up rides. The parents come in with the Silent Auction: asking for donations. We're each assigned a territory to cover. I'd really rather make signs. So the kids meeting finished up a bit before ours and they wanted to go to Dairy Queen - I just wanted to get home. Most parents did like we did and drove together with their students so parents and kids needed to arrange carpools. I ended up driving Alex's mom home while Alex drove to Dairy Queen. I was invited to step into Alex's home and had a nice chat.
Paige and Bryn both made another trip to the orthodontist. Paige got her broken bracket repaired and got her color changed to orange. Bryn was told she's doing such a great job wearing her positioner, that she can keep doing it.
I had a crazy work day Thursday where 2 clients just couldn't stop making changes to their projects that were due that same day. I never had a moment before 5p to even try to hand them over to someone else! When I got the projects off, I left without a thought of another project that I just had to ignore for the day. I called in to work Friday morning and John, Mike and Kevin were kind enough to finish it up for me so I didn't have to go downtown. So I enjoyed a great day (I'm serious) working out, running errands, cleaning the kitchen and my refrigerator.
Friday night Paige slept over at a friend's so we let Abby and Bryn know they could have people over. Abby went to the HS basketball game and Bryn opted to stay home. Abby did call to let us know she was having some friends over after the game. Abby arrived first and prepared the snacks. Then followed Alex (of course) and his friend Adam. Then Tyler and Nick and Evan. Then Mark. What's going on here? No girlfriends? Ali and Kendal did come over about a half hour later but could only stay for a half-hour. Abby and the guys hung out til 11p.
Saturday Bryn came along to order Tyler and Alex's buttoneers for Turnabout. We went pretty neutral and maybe Abby and Bryn will embellish with ribbons or something else creative. We then watched Paige play her basketball game where she scored twice!
Saturday night we drove to my boss's house for my company holiday party. John's girlfriend made a delicious Venezuelan dish, paella, filled with scallops, crayfish, clams, mussels and chorizo. It was so yummy! The quiet, mild composure of Norman Design employees was confirmed by the evening's conversation pretty much controlled by John's girlfriend, Mike's wife and Kevin's friend. Jeff indulged a little too much in the paella and didn't have a very restful night last night.
On the drive home from church today, Abby reminded us that it is the 27th today and she would not waste her entire day with us. What? Another day not to forget: Abby & Alex's 4-month anniversary. I suggested using that new Y membership and run side-by-side on the treadmills. I don't think they liked my idea.
Abby should've contacted you all via email about Girl Scout cookie orders. The sale ends tomorrow, Monday, Jan 28th.
I'm having fun looking through old pictures scouring for the perfect picture of Abby for her last high school yearbook. There's a special section called "Senior Sendoffs" where you submit a picture and a special message for your graduating senior. I've gone through a box of Abby's old pictures and now I'm off to find my old photo albums!
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