Again, a very eventful week for the Saunders. As I mentioned Monday, Paige was rewarded with getting her braces earlier than expected. After Jeff and I went over our financial obligations with the orthodontist, he offered to put the spacers in immediately while we were there, and the receptionist noticed an opening Thursday to put on her braces. Typically the spacers are in for a week, so Paige was really lucky. Paige's appointment Thursday was in the morning, but she opted not to return to school that day. She looks great and is keeping great care of them!

Tuesday Milwaukee was threatened with an ice storm, so most school in the area closed for a snow day. Abby was already in the shower before we caught the announcement on TV. Oh well. She just rolled back into bed in her sweats and a towel on her head. Jeff and I got in to work reasonably on time. But the ice didn't seem to materialize as forecast - it just kept snowing! And it was such a beautiful snow: giant flakes that fell all day. Bryn and Paige had a great time in it as you can see. Abby spent the day with Kendal. Inside. Party poopers!

And all week long, Bryn and Abby were at Band Revue rehearsals til 9:30 at night. Having the snow day didn't help. Jeff and I got to see the production twice over the weekend: on Friday evening with my parents and my sister, Kristin, then again on Sunday afternoon with Jeff's mom and sister, Terry. Lucky I had my iPhone to check the Packer game at intermission! No worries. Abby's boyfriend, Alex, announced the score of the Packer game as he "died" on stage. While the production itself is kind of a hodgepodge of different talents, it's so endearing seeing the kids you know perform. This year, Abby danced a swing dance with Alex and then a salsa dance - not with Alex. Bryn played her trombone throughout the entire production with the Jazz Band.

I gave my Mom her Christmas present early. On Saturday, I took her to the Pabst Mansion (link at right). Dad and Jeff got to go too. This time of year the Mansion's all decorated for Christmas and it's absolutely beautiful. Mom wanted to go last year when I hosted Christmas at my house, but it just gets too much to organize with my entire family in town. So when she said they'd like to come down for Band Revue, the timing couldn't have been better. And of course it snowed another 4 inches which made it even prettier. And us 4 got to enjoy it just as adults. Ahhhh.
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