Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl Sunday! I've got a time limit to blog today! Jeff is upstairs cutting up sausage and cheese for part our feast.

I drove Paige to her orthodontist appt Monday morning. She's been really good about wearing her rubber bands and was rewarded for it today! They officially scheduled her braces removal for March 1st! Paige wrote it extra big on the calendar. So she will have had her braces for just over 2 years. I reminded her that since she's only 14, she'd better wear her retainer as the orthodontist tells her because her teeth could move right back. Then after school I accompanied Paige to the high school Softball team meeting where they distributed information on open gym practice and tryouts (end of March).

Jeff returned home safely from Virginia very early Tuesday morning and went on his way to work and meetings. He commented on how lucky he was that his trip was in the beginning of this week, considering the recent snowfall dumping they've taken! Tuesday evening I attended a parent meeting for Paige's WorkCamp and found her our t-shirt design was chosen for the front of the shirt and I worked to finalize another girl's design for the back. Yea! All us parents also received our invoices for WorkCamp payment #1, and Paige has done such a terrific job fundraising, we don't owe anything yet!!! She still has a flower sale and a couple more volunteering opportunities.

Bryn went back to see the podiatrist Thursday morning where he took another xray and assures us she's healing well. He wants her now to walk without a crutch and without the surgical boot - which means regular shoes. She made it 3 hours during school on Friday - much more restrictive in a regular shoe!

Saturday morning Jeff escorted Bryn downtown to Marquette University to take scholarship tests in the school she would be enrolling in: Health Sciences. She also received a letter in the mail from Marquette that same day announcing she has been awarded $8000/yr for her academics and service. Nice. But need a lot more to make Marquette a player. Bryn's still waiting to hear from Marquette whether she's been accepted directly into the 6-year Doctorate of Physical Therapy program. While they were downtown, I baked communion bread for church all morning. We all Skyped Abby, then watched LOST (from Tuesday) together last night.

Today we had Generations of Faith at church this morning where we packed lunches for a homeless shelter. Then we had to find a swimsuit for Paige who has swimming in school (gym class) starting tomorrow. I bought a few black pieces at Kohls seeing that as of Feb 28th all us employees will be required to wear all black: no stripes, no polka dots, no colored shirt underneath. I've had on my blue and white all day to cheer on the Colts tonight! The local grocery stores are even in on in and I bought a big Colts cookie to celebrate later! I sent the picture to Meg who's in Miami living large this weekend!

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