Sunday, August 24, 2008

No pictures again. Our newest camera suffered a fatal accident. We're sending it away for a repair estimate.

Sunday Aug 17th Jeff and I went down to the lakefront for IrishFest. I received two tickets at work via IrishFest's current PR firm who's looking outside to redesign the Fest's logo. So the visit was "research." I really wanted to attend the huge Catholic mass that's held at the Amphitheatre, but Paige hosted a sleepover from the night before that didn't really cooperate with our plans. No takers on wanting to come with either. So Jeff and I went down for a pint of ale and stew. It's really an enjoyable Fest.

Bryn had to stay up Sunday night as Monday Aug 18th is the first official WIAA-sanctioned day of practice for high school fall sports so Cross Country annually schedules a Midnight Run. Thank goodness Bryn is 16 now and could drive herself to the high school and back. We didn't wait up.

Bryn visited the doctor Tuesday as she hasn't been feeling the best while running. She feels nauseous and isn't sleeping because of it. The doctor's treating it as acid reflux and of course there's over-the-counter stuff for that. The doctor also suggested slight modifications to her diet including eating yogurt in the morning. Bryn is not a fan. But Go-Gurt seems to be better. We'll see how it goes, but she seems to be working through it.

Paige was called back by the select softball team for a 2nd tryout Wednesday Aug 20th. There were also some girls trying out for the 1st time as they couldn't make the other tryout date. Not sure where Paige stands, but getting called back has to be good! We haven't heard anything yet...

Thursday Aug 21st was school registration day. I switched my off day from Friday to Thursday just for the occasion. We took Bryn to the high school after morning Cross Country practice. There's a lot of construction still going on at the high school, but what is done looks pretty spiffy! After lunch I accompanied Paige to her new junior high school. She wouldn't walk her classes with me. She prefers that her older sisters do that. The school is open next week so they can drop off her supplies and walk her schedule. First day of school is Sep 2nd for Paige and 3rd for Bryn.

Saturday Aug 23rd was Paige's school shopping day. We purchased all her school supplies as well as a few clothes. And a couple of her own makeup items. Major milestone. Shopping trips are so much more enjoyable when you can take one child by themselves. She had a good day.

Abby's pretty much MIA lately: getting up early and coming home around midnight. She leaves on her bike with all her belongings in a gianormous backpack and goes to the Y, shops, visits/has lunch with friends, works, goes to Brewers games... I had to ask her to write down her social schedule so that I can request a time to fit in a few family things and organize/pack up for college before next weekend when she leaves! Believe me, there weren't very many open spots! The whole day today is open, of which I'm hoping she'll be catching up on some sleep. She went for a midnight bike ride last night which got her back home at 3am!

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