Since we've been so busy putting in extra hours at work, attending school year-end events, and with softball and track seasons ending, we decided to stay home this Memorial Day weekend. Jeff ordered 10 yards of mulch for us and we put our team to work! We got about half the yard done so we're happy. But Jeff heard his knee "pop" Saturday and has been limping ever since. That hasn't kept him from the yardwork, but us girls are trying to keep him away from it. While watering some of the flowers, Paige discovered a bird's nest in one of our hanging plants on the front porch.

So Paige's freshman softball team is the unofficial conference champ (not recognized at the freshman level) with their win over Brookfield East last Thursday! Paige was bummed that game as she was saved to pitch that final game, but the coaches determined that her batting average was better at games where she wasn't pitching, so they didn't have her pitch. The coaches kept yelling at her to "smile" when she was in the outfield. Since school ball is over, her Little League season can begin!
And Bryn wasn't able to participate as much as she had hoped with the track team. She's planning to head out to La Crosse for the Track State and watch some of her teammates compete this coming weekend. Bryn still attended every practice and meet, fully supporting her team. We visited the foot doctor this past Friday as Bryn is still experiencing some pain and swelling. The doctor prescribed some insoles and anti-flammatory cream and we'll see him back in a month or so.

In the evening, Grandma Karen and Grandpa Clark came into town and we all went to see Bryn and Paige perform at the high school for Jazz N Java. Such a nice event. The audience is seated at round tables and is able to purchase drinks and bakery while you listen to samplings from all the area schools' jazz bands.