Paige and Bryn are all registered for high school. Bryn will be a senior while Paige will be a freshman. Their first day of school is Sept 1st. Paige had a special freshman orientation today that was basically team-building exercises. This year, the high schoolers will begin their day at 8:01am, versus 7:20 previous years, and go until 3:15pm. And they made study halls mandatory. This totally screwed up Bryn's schedule to the point where she was having to come in early (0 hour) to fit in the study hall! We took care of that!
Seems that Bryn has rededicated herself to running this year. She's been chosen as one of the four captains for the girls Cross Country team this year. Those four have led practices all summer long. They've inspired a record number of freshmen to come out. Their first meet is tomorrow and I can't wait!

And Abby's looking forward to getting back to La Crosse. We move her back Sept 5th and her first day of classes is Sept 8th. She'll be moving into a new dorm with a new roommate. Still the 4th floor though... ugghh! Jeff was helping Abby get ready to go back by purchasing a new laptop computer screen online for Abby (she stepped on hers) and installing it himself. Way to go Dad! It was very detailed and the parts were super tiny. Abby attended a leadership retreat last weekend with fellow CRU members as she hopes to help with the Latino community next year.

Last weekend we had lots of parties to be seen at. Paige got invited to a party that lasted all weekend! Her friend invited her up to their family's place near Prairie du Chein on the Mississippi. Paige had a blast fishing, playing card games, and driving the tractor on the farm and the golf card around the trailer park. Bryn went paintballing and to a bonfire. Jeff and I had friends over for wine Friday night, to a neighbor's big barbecue Saturday night, and to Bryn's Mission Trip picnic Sunday.
I got to play hookey from work yesterday afternoon and play golf with a client and my co-worker, Kevin. Our client is quite good, but was patient with us who don't lead that Country Club life. The course was beautiful and very challenging. I just enjoyed being able to play again.