This was a tough week for the Saunders - most of it we saw coming.
I've been driving our Honda CRV to work because I work further away and it gets better gas mileage than the van. I warned Jeff that it had been sounding rather loud so he drove it to work and apparently the entire exhaust system is falling apart. Luckily, we have a 3rd car (not lucky for Bryn!). So Bryn hasn't had her own car to drive to school all week. And when she did get it to drive to her trombone lesson Monday night, she got her first speeding ticket! Poor Jeff tries every night getting another part and getting under the CRV, which is on blocks in the garage. It's still there tonight. To be continued...

Tuesday my parents came down to see Paige's Pops Band Concert which was very enjoyable. Instead of classical music, this concert is all more popular music.
Wednesday Jeff and I had committed to work concessions for the last boys' basketball game at the high school. My parents opted to stay another night planning to watch Idol with Paige. Paige got invited to paint t-shirts for her upcoming Dodgeball tournament. So my parents were alone. Nice visit, eh?

The completed, every-bone-labeled skeleton left our home Thursday. I told Bryn and Marisa that theirs has to be the best! Theo went to the vet on Thursday for a regular check-up and the vet commented on what a happy dog he is. :) When I came home from work I was surprised to find Bryn home as she was scheduled to work. Sadly Bryn explained that she had informed her boss about track practice beginning in 2 weeks and her boss decided that wasn't going to fit into her work schedule, so Bryn can be "done." Nice. Poor Bryn. After supper, I went over to another Student Council parent's home to help organize all the donated items for the Winter Carnival's Silent Auction. We got some great stuff, and I carefully planned my bidding strategy for Sunday as I helped assemble the auction baskets.

Friday I had to drag myself into work as we are very busy and a co-worker (very deservedly) had off. It's hard to complain about work when so many are out of a job. Paige had her afterschool "Friday Frenzy" where the Dodgeball tournament was held. Her team came in 2nd! Their name was the Foo Fighters and each kid had 2 of the team name letters on their shirt so when they stood together you could read "Foo Fighters." On her ride home Jeff and I learned that we were hosting a sleepover. As the girls were dropped off, we learned how many guests we were having. It was fine and Jeff and I had just planned to stay home and watch TV anyways.
Abby went to Kaukauna for the weekend to a friend's house and even went to visit her Grandma in Appleton! We've only heard about it because Jeff's mom called us to tell us. We'll have to get details from Abby later. Jeff coordinated a nice dinner out with 2 other couples for Saturday night. Paige was hired to babysit and asked to bring a friend because it was for 6 kids and it was a long night: 6pm to 1am! They both made a lot of money. And Bryn had a friend over to chill.

And Sunday (today) was the big event: The Student Council Childrens Winter Carnival. This is an annual event that I've become involved in because my children have been on the Exec Board of Student Council the last two years. Bryn and I had to be there at 8:30am for set up. It's kind of chaos but it all works out. We had to set up about 12 games, a concession stand, ticket booth, welcome table, posters for everything. I had such fun being the "runner" and taking pictures of all the high school kids! The Carnival runs from noon til 4pm. My sister and her family came and it's fun to watch them play. Lucy was fascinated with the dog on top of the big bouncy house! Bryn and I helped clean up til 4:30, then we came home so Bryn could have a nap and go on to her next event: a UWAY concert. Jeff went down to see it this time. We're tired.