We made a big decision regarding Bryn's scheduling for the remainder of the schoolyear. Bryn will miss the last UWAY concert of the year because Confirmation is the same day. Knowing she won't be playing at the last concert, she really shouldn't be at any of the rehearsals beforehand because then it's not a true representation of what it will sound like. So I wrote a letter to the UWAY conductor explaining the situation. Of course he is disappointed, but a concert and confirmation are too much to cram into one day. So this opens up Tuesday nights for Bryn to move either work or trombone lessons into. Phew!
I went to battle a parking ticket at traffic court on Wednesday. Thought it'd be no big deal. Not. Bryn's car was ticketed in the high school parking lot for not having a parking pass in early January. Bryn does have a parking pass that we pay $85/semester for, but it was on the floor and not visible to the officer from his car. I opted to appear in court because I thought a simple explanation would bypass my ticket. The prosecutor was of course not understanding. What I still do not comprehend is that why the high school has all Bryn's vehicle information on file and the police don't cross-reference that before issuing a ticket. I thought a warning for a first-time violation would be fair. I was hot! And I've also written a letter to the high school vice principal voicing my disappointment.
We listened to another beautiful concert by the high school Wind Symphony Wednesday night. Then I attended Bryn's Prom Info night meeting Thursday night. Bryn's going to have a great spring!
Friday I picked up some more Silent Auction donations for the Winter Carnival. Then Jeff and I went to see Slumdog Millionaire. It was good, but not that I'd rave for weeks about it. It's hard for me to watch children live in such tough conditions. And I think that's why it's talked up so much: because it raises social awareness - which I'm all for.
The snow came down continuously Saturday morning. We were pretty much stuck inside as everyone, including the plows, were waiting til it was over. Didn't hear the final count, but I know we were predicted to get 5 - 8". I dropped Paige and her friend who had slept over at the movies Saturday afternoon while I grocery shopped. Then we ordered a movie-on-demand through our new TiVo last night. It took a little effort making sure we had all our account info online and linking it to our TiVo device, but we were watching Get Smart and munching on popcorn by 8pm!
Today Bryn and Kendal, Bryn's confirmation sponsor, go to a Confirmation event. Kendal's coming at 11 to catch up with us. Kind of like our substitute Abby. :)