I realize I'm behind. With the world coming back to life after the holidays, I just got busy.
Paige and Bryn went back to school Monday Jan 5th. I also started going to the Y 4X/week. It really makes a difference when you go more often!

Abby and I had eye exams and both got new glasses. Abby's look so different! They're really cool. My new bifocals are adjusted to see a longer distance whereas my current ones are set for my computer work. They also have clip-on sunglasses that will be so nice to drive with!
I baked bread for church last Friday. I thought I'd get to spend the day with Abby, but she took someone's hours at work. I can't complain - she needs the money! I got a chance to finally poke around the Art Guild web site, that I am now in charge of. I was able to make a few updates, but will need to move on to redesigning it soon as I had promised the club.
I'm so loving my new TiVo!!! Of course, my children get way more use out of it than I do. But on Saturday, I cleaned my entire kitchen and floors watching while watching my soaps that I recorded!! While Bryn watched Bella and Lucy Saturday night, Jeff and I went out for Carlo's birthday dinner at Red Lobster! Yum!
Bryn is still jobless. She is required to fill out a job application daily since Jan 1st. Why is nobody calling??? Kendal is working hard on getting Bryn in to her tanning salon. Thanks Kendal!

Sunday was full of meetings. I went to fulfill our family's Greeter assignment at church, then went with Bryn to a different church for a Mission Trip meeting that apparently got rescheduled. Attended the first-ever Creativity Unleashed event at a local coffee shop on behalf of the Art Guild and then with Bryn again to her Student Council meeting to help with their upcoming Winter Carnival. The Creativity Unleashed thing was kinda cool: artists in any medium could present their work to a welcoming audience. Singers presented new songs. Poets recited works and elaborated on their inspiration. Guitar players just jammed. I mentioned it to Bryn. I could see her up there!
We "Skyped" Bryce on his birthday Monday.
We barely see Abby: she's still sleeping when we all leave for work or school, and she's out after we go to bed at night! Thank goodness for the weekends! Besides the eye doctor, she's had appointment with the dentist and family doctor - got to get them all in! She was going to visit a friend in Kaukauna tomorrow (Thursday), but we advised against it with the bitter cold weather.

On that note, our animals have all been moved to our indoor barn (the basement). We're getting a little concerned about Domino, our oldest Dutch bunny - she's kind of stopped eating. Never a good sign. Theo is quite content being an indoor dog, and would love to be a 80-lb lap dog. He barks as soon as he's done doing his business outdoors now because he hates to spend an extra minute away from everybody. The girls are excited as school has already been cancelled for tomorrow!