It's been pouring rain since early this morning and it's turned our pretty mountains of snow into a dirty, slushy mess. Weather says 3 to 7 inches of snow tonight, but temperature's got to get lower first.
Last Tuesday Milwaukee got 6 inches of snow and I, of course, had cross-country driving duties. I left work (downtown) at 2pm so I could pick up Paige from school (Men Falls) at 2:45 to get her to the orthodontist (Wauwatosa) by 3:25 and back home so I could pickup the 5 UWAY carpoolers back in the Falls and get them back into Milwaukee by 6:00pm. We were a half hour late. And I had a headache. But we were all safe!

Last Wednesday we only had to go as far as the high school for a Band Concert. Abby actually brought HER OWN French horn to school for the first time since I don't know when... before Christmas... It's a lot simpler playing your own instrument at the concerts. Sometimes Abby doesn't even know who's horn she grabs for band class on a typical schoolday. Remember Abby being such a germophobe about her mouthpiece??? What happened? The concert was quite enjoyable. Abby's boyfriend, Alex, presented Abby with a dozen roses for Valentine's Day (the next day). They are still quite beautiful!
Thursday was Valentines Day. Bryn's turn for the orthodontist: impressions for her final retainer. No more wearing that positioner! She is a happy girl. I brought little treat bags of candies in for the guys at work. When I got home, Jeff treated me to a pound of chocolate-covered raisins (my favorite)! After Abby worked, Alex had her over for Valentine's pizza. Awww.... This day was also the due date to turn in Senior Sendoff messages. These are baby pic and personal message entries to graduating seniors for the high school yearbook. Paige really helped me go through our photo albums. We had a lot of fun.
Paige invited me to her Honors Breakfast at school Friday morning. She achieved above a 3.5GPA first semester, so all those 7th graders were treated to breakfast with a guest. Paige never likes me taking pictures, so this is what I got. I walked out with one of Paige's friend's parents who admired me for hosting the sleepover party Saturday night. What? I needed more information. Since poor Paige was so neglected last weekend with the big high school dance we promised her a big night with her friends. She invited 6 friends over for Saturday night. NOT A SLEEPOVER - til 10pm. I later found out that Paige had asked that one friend to stay, which was OK with Jeff & I. They had pizza and snacks, played DDR, SingStar and just goofed around.
After the school breakfast Friday, I returned home so I could welcome the installers for the blinds in the basement. They look so nice! Kind of embarrassing that it took us 7 years to get to those. Then I lunched with another "Beth" who co-led Abby's Girl Scout troop with me for many years. Her husband is a manager at the grocery store I visit regulary, so I typically see him more than her. We had a nice visit catching up on what our kids are up to. See why I can't work on Fridays?
Bryn and Abby had big babysitting jobs lined up at neighboring homes this weekend, but they both cancelled. Flu. I thanked the moms for not sharing. I think the moms were more disappointed than Abby & Bryn. So Friday night Bryn watched Pirates 3 with Jeff and I, and Saturday night Abby watched Catch and Release with us. Sound familiar, Kristin?
Abby attended another scholarship competition Saturday morning, this time for Marquette's School of Education. This one included a test and interview. They say the odds are good: 57 applicants for 2 scholarships. But knowing the caliber of Marquette, I'd say the competition is stiff. We're still constantly browsing for more scholarships. Abby turned one for UWLaCrosse this week.
Bryn went to see the movie Juno at the theaters with a group of friends, then over to one of their houses for pizza and hot-tubbing. Bryn's getting a lot more social. Good for her. But hot-tubbing?....
Jeff and I are really trying to concentrate on being more financially responsible. Mainly because we just don't know what to expect with college next year. We've spent some pretty exciting Friday and Saturday nights figuring out new strategies. It is wonderful just to have the time to make a plan.